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"Never yet, Jacob, have I put my feet into that which floateth on the watery element," observed he to me; "nor would I now, but that it saveth money, which thou knowest well is with me not plentiful. Many dangers I expect, many perils shall I encounter; such have I read of in books; and well might Horace exclaim `Ille robur et aes triplex, with reference to the first man who ventured afloat.

Alan, impelled by necessity, or perhaps only by curiosity, was not afraid to launch his bark, first upon the rivers, and later upon the more formidable waves of the sea Illi robur et aes triplex Circa pectus erat, qui fragilem truci Commisit pelago ratem Primus.

But then if she wrote the letter there would be no retreat; and how should she face her family after such a declaration? She had always given herself credit for courage, and now she wondered at her own cowardice. Even Lady Monogram, her old friend Julia Triplex, had trampled upon her.

Did Julia Triplex love that man with the large fortune? When you wanted Dolly to marry Marie Melmotte you never thought of his loving her. I had got the better of all that kind of thing before I was twenty. 'I think a young woman should love her husband. 'It makes me sick, mamma, to hear you talk in that way. It does indeed.

Such a man Stevenson would have delighted to include in his brave roll-call, and of him those final, well-known words in Aes Triplex might have been written: "In the hot-fit of life, a-tiptoe on the highest point of being, he passes at a bound on to the other side.

There was a brown combination writing desk and book-shelf which was arrayed with some of the most curious volumes Pater's "Marius the Epicurean," Daudet's "Wives of Men of Genius," Richard Jefferies' "Story of My Heart," Stevenson's "Aes Triplex," "The Kasidah" of Richard Burton, "The House of Life" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, "Also sprach Zarathustra" by Friedrich Nietzsche.

"Illi robur, et aes triplex Circa pectus erat," is not to be persuaded. He will be true to "the colour"; this is his final answer, even if your arguments overcome for the time being. And you cannot help liking the man for his straightforward, self-reliant nature; he is acting up to the standard he has set himself all through life.

She had plucked up so much courage as had enabled her to declare her fate to her old friend, remembering as she did so how in days long past she and her friend Julia Triplex had scattered their scorn upon some poor girl who had married a man with a Jewish name, whose grandfather had possibly been a Jew. 'Dear me, said Lady Monogram. 'Todd, Brehgert, and Goldsheiner!

The general's honour was quite safe when he sent her off to Rome by herself, and he no doubt knew that it was so. Illi robur et oes triplex, of which I believe no weapons of any assailant could get the better. But nevertheless we used to fancy that she had no repugnance to impropriety in other women to what the world generally calls impropriety.

To tell the truth of Mr Whittlestaff, he was a man very open to such shafts of ridicule. The "robur et æs triplex" which fortified his heart went only to the doing of a good and unselfish action, and did not extend to providing him with that adamantine shield which virtue should of itself supply.