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Updated: July 31, 2024

For his own reasons the landlord does not choose to let what is called Hunter's farm to the Tiernaur people on the old terms, and the stranger who should venture upon it would need be girt with robur et æs triplex. Within the last few days this proprietary deadlock has been enlivened by an act which has caused much conversation in this part of Ireland.

The air was now rent with acclamations towards him, Cui robur et aes triplex Circa pectus erat On his descent, he was carried in triumph to the Hôtel de Ville. Being thanked by the authorities then and there assembled, and assured of their intense anxiety for his life ever since he had quitted the earth, he was asked what was the recompense he demanded?

"Did you ever hear a woman whistle before?" "Never; but I saw one sit astride on an ass in Germany!" "The saddle was not on her husband, I hope, madam?" "No, sir; the husband walked by his kinsfolk's side, and made the best of a bad bargain, as Peggy's husband will have to." "Wait till some one ventures on the gay Lotharia illi aes triplex; that means he must have triple brass, Kitty."

It was thought that Sumner's friend, who had been supported by him as a candidate for high office, who shared many of his political ideas and feelings, who was his intimate associate, his fellow-townsman, his companion in scholarship and cultivation, his sympathetic co-laborer in many ways, had been accounted and dealt with as the ally of an enemy, and that the shaft which struck to the heart of the sensitive envoy had glanced from the 'aes triplex' of the obdurate Senator.

And, in fact, he soon felt a generous warmth which ascended to his head; and his heart became anew surrounded little by little with that triple breast plate of brass, robur triplex, without which there is no hero. He listened inside and out. All sounds were hushed; in the parsonage as in the village, everybody was asleep.

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