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Updated: August 3, 2024

"What is that?" at length asked Tiny, stopping short in the street. "A tolling bell," said the girl. "Do you see a funeral?" "Yes; don't you?" Tiny made no answer at first; at length he said, "Let us go into the churchyard;" and he waited for the beggar girl to lead the way, which she did, and together they went in at the open churchyard gate.

Once on the right they caught a distant view of the Towers of Penshurst, and once they heard the deep tolling of the bells of Bayham Abbey, but for the rest of their day's journey savage peasants and squalid cottages were all that met their eyes, with endless droves of pigs who fed upon the litter of acorns.

Charles as well as the Romanists? and it will be quite sweet to hear the vesper-bell tolling over the sullen moor every evening, in all weathers, and amid all the changes and chances of this mortal life." Sheffield asked what congregation they expected to collect at that hour. "That's a low view," answered Bateman; "it does not signify at all.

In the midst of it all there would come the clear, metallic clang of a bell a single stroke, as though someone away out there in the offing were tolling for a funeral. It was a ship's bell that was being struck, there could be no doubt about that; but why was it being tolled?

In this I was mistaken, for the wind was contrary to our purpose, and we lay in the Downs near six weeks, while Master Hunt, the preacher, who had joined the company that he might labor for the good of our souls; lay so nigh unto death in the cabin of the Susan Constant, that I listened during all the waking hours of the night, fearing to hear the tolling of the ship's bell, which would tell that he had gone from among the living.

"In the line of the procession was a handsome chariot drawn by six gray horses. It was painted green and gold; the platform was covered with beautiful oilcloth, and on it was placed a large brass bell, supported on a green framework. This bell was kept tolling over the whole route of the procession.

I know they are about to ask it before they speak. I have seen it in their listless and disconcerted eyes at breakfast. It is worse to me than the tolling of a bell; for saddest dead of all are they who have only a "name to live." The truth is, there is more to do on a rainy day than on any other.

Now the whistle of the tug sounded shrilly, blowing scattered flakes of white steam into the air. The quick, clear tolling of church-bells rang over the roofs of the bright houses of the city. It was twelve o'clock and the sun's rays were scorching hot. One of the naval officers pulled out his watch to see if it were correct, and then said: "Shall we go down and get something to eat first, Ben?"

Time five of hours ten of moments. I have much hunger. He sits in the belfry tower, Tolling the soft bell of Dreams. Four times he rings it each hour, Heaven with sound of it teems. Moons long past the Spirits said: "For untold Sins you must pay, Morning's gold but Evening's red, Your crimes must be paid each day." Worn and dark is He and old. On his soul his Sins have weighed.

Good old questionable stories were told that made the tears run down and cavernous mouths stand wide and the round bellies shake with laughter; and questionable songs were bellowed out in a mighty chorus that drowned the boom of the tolling bells. At last I ventured a story myself; and vast was the success of it.

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