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He replied in surprise, "And Kauaitshe is also doing penance." A third, whose wife belonged to the Bear clan, was within hearing; and he quickly added, "The delegate from Hiit-shanyi dwells with Kohaio; he, too, is fasting!" It was strange! People said nothing, but they shook their heads and separated. Similar things occurred in the houses of the Tanyi.

Topanashka himself was a member of the Eagle clan, and through him the Water clan, feeble in numbers, enjoyed the support not only of Tanyi but also of Tyame hanutsh. In proposing for the vacant position of tapop a member of the Turquoise people, the chief penitents had in a measure acted discreetly.

One more Koshare in Tanyi, and one who would dwell with Tyame, besides, after marriage, was a gain. It would facilitate the realization of the plan of a disruption of tribal ties by creating disunion among the clans most powerful, after Shyuamo. Tyope did not care for the expulsion of certain special clusters as a whole, provided a certain number and a certain kind of people were removed.

Shyuamo is a strong hanutsh, and what it wants will be done. It alone can do more than Tzitz and Tanyi together." The quick, bold, apparently unpremeditated reply relieved Zashue of an undefined feeling of suspicion that had arisen within him.

Hence the singular feature that each household got its livelihood from two distinct groups of blood-relatives. The home which we have entered belonged to the quarters of the Gourd people, or clan Tanyi hanutsh, from which the mother descended; and Okoya had slept at night in the estufa of that cluster ever since his thirteenth year.

"Hachshtze," Say said in a tone of serious reminder, "speak not thus. I know that you and Tyope are good to each other. I know that he gives you advice, and I know too" her voice rose and grew solemn "that you have told him many things which neither Tzitz hanutsh nor Tanyi hanutsh like him to know." "Tyope is wise." "And he is also very bad," the younger brother exclaimed. This made Zashue angry.

Tyope twitched nervously. He knew where the woman had gone. "Hayoue," the man from Tzitz proceeded, "was the only one who carried weapons. He had gone out very early with Okoya, the youth from Tanyi who is his brother's child. They had started while it was yet night, following the tshinaya up to the top of the rocks.

He belongs to his hanutsh, his daughter to hers; and the people of Tyame have no faith in those of Shyuamo, for they mistrust them. But let them go together, for I am glad to see Tyame and Tanyi become one often." Every word he had spoken was according to their convictions, and besides, whatever he said was law to them.

But the cultivated patch which the father tilled pertained to the fields of his clan, that of Water, Tzitz hanutsh. Though the Water people were his relatives, the crop raised by him found its way into the storeroom of Tanyi for the support of the family which he claimed as his own. Okoya's mother scanned her boys with a sober glance, and turned back into the kitchen without uttering a word.

For the chief penitents, who selected officially the new incumbent, while they were in no manner accessible to outside influence, might consider the general tendency of affairs, and for the same reasons that they chose Hoshkanyi Tihua for tapop might determine upon appointing some member of Tanyi or Tyame as maseua.