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Of course, the tramp heard them, and turned in sudden alarm. As he turned, the farmer snatched the club from his hand, and he found himself unexpectedly unarmed and confronted by three enemies. "It's my turn now," said Lovett. "Do you surrender?"

Men, women, and children pour in from the country, and wait along the road leading to Philadelphia, for the long-expected news. At length a horseman is seen riding at headlong speed. He waves his hat and shouts to the eager people, "Cornwallis is taken!" It is Colonel Tilghman, whom Washington sent posthaste to Philadelphia to inform Congress of the surrender.

Maurice and the war party had blamed him for the obstacles which he interposed to the outbreak of hostilities, while the British court, as we have seen, was perpetually urging him to abate from his demands and abandon both the well strengthened fortresses in the duchies and that strong citadel of distrust which in his often repeated language he was determined never to surrender.

They knew that precious time had been lost, and they resolved that the surrender should be so ample as to be meritorious. It was to be not the redress of practical grievances, but the complete establishment of the new principle, equality.

The sergeant's voice rang out. The firing ceased. The foul masses of straw were removed. Then the scoundrel came forward and leered up at me. "Do your terms hold good?" I shouted. "Yes," he said. "Colonel Waynflete and his daughter will be left at liberty to go their way, if I surrender?" "Yes," he said.

Next, a British soldier appeared on the parapet and his attitude was that of one of the military police directing traffic at a busy crossroads close to the battle front. His part in the carefully worked out system was shown when a figure in green came out of the trench with hands held up in the approved signal of surrender the world over.

Grave divines, great statesmen, and deep philosophers are put out of their way by very little things: nay, discreet, worthy people, without any pretensions but to good-nature and common sense, readily surrender the happiness of their whole lives sooner than give up an opinion to which they have committed themselves, though in all likelihood it was the mere turn of a feather which side they should take in the argument.

The Athenian government was not disposed to surrender a claim which proffered to avarice the temptation of mines of gold. While the colony proceeded to its destination, part of the Athenian fleet, under Cimon, sailed to Thasos gained a victory by sea landed on the island and besieged the city.

He could wring her heartstrings as he had hoped to wring the nerves of Raymond's sensitive frame, and none could deliver her out of his hand. But now he was still playing the farce of the suppliant lover, guessing all the while that she knew as well as he what a farce the part was. He strove to make her surrender, but was met by an invincible firmness.

As soon as the fleet came to an anchorage, just below the town, Phipps sent a messenger to present a letter to Frontenac, asking him to surrender the fort. This envoy was led blindfolded up the heights and brought into the presence of the governor, who was awaiting him in the fort, surrounded by a number of officers dressed in the brilliant uniform of the French army.