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"Rest: and Daun, coming on with 30,000 of reinforcement to them, might arrive this night? He too, conjointly or not with Winterfeld, I do not know: Winterfeld himself does not say; whose own modest words on the subject readers shall see before we finish. "Infantry to push from this quarter towards Sterbohol yonder, and then plunge into their redoubts and them!

The actual Austrian Pensioner of merit is a loud-voiced, hard-faced, very limited, but honest little fellow; who has worked a little polygon ditch and miniature hedge round the two Monuments; keeps his own cottage, little garden, and self, respectably clean; and leads stoically a lone life, no company, I should think, but the Sterbohol hinds, who probably are Czechs and cannot speak to him.

Intolerable to human nature, this, or nearly so; even to human nature of the Platt-Teutsch type, improved by Prussian drill. Winterfeld's repulse we saw; Schwerin's own Regiment in it. Fearful tugging, swagging and swaying is conceivable, in this Sterbohol problem!

Done, that Sterbohol work; those Foot-chargings, Horse-chargings; that battery of Homoly Hill; and, hanging upon that, all manner of redoubts and batteries to the rightward and rearward: but how it was done no pen can describe, nor any intellect in clear sequence understand.

"In an hour and half," what military men may count almost incredible, they are fairly on their ground, motionless the most of them by 9 A.M.; the rest wheeling rightward, as they successively arrive in the Chwala-Podschernitz localities; and, descending diligently, Sterbohol way; and will be at their harvest-work anon.

Near Michelup are lakelets worth noticing; a little under Sterbohol, in the course of this miserable Brook, is a string of fish-ponds, with their sluices open at this time, the water out, and the mud bottom sown with herb-provender for the intended carps, which is coming on beautifully, green as leeks, and nearly ready for the fish getting to it again.

Ziethen's Hussars have been at Nussel, very busy plundering there, ever since that final charge and chase from Sterbohol. The King himself has got to Branik, farther up stream. Part of the Austrian foot fled, leftwards, southwards, as their right wing of horse had all done, up the Moldau. About 16,000 Austrians are distractedly on flight that way.

This was a volunteer exploit, upon the very elbow or angle of said "joiner's-square;" in the wet grounds between Hlaupetin and Kyge, a good way north of Sterbohol.

Although our Second Line was not yet come forward, yet, as the battalions of the First were tolerably well together, I decided, with General Fouquet, who had charge of the Flank, to begin at once; and, that the Enemy might not have time to post himself still better, I pushed forward, quick step, out of the Farmstead" of Sterbohol "to meet him, so fast, that even our cannon had not time to follow.

Schwerin must have Sterbohol, in spite of batteries and ranked Austrians, and Winterfeld's recoil tumbling round him: and rarely had the oldest veteran such a problem. "Vanguard could not do it; main body, we hope, kindling all the hotter, perhaps may!" The general Prussian Order this day is: "By push of bayonet; no firing, none, at any rate, till you see the whites of their eyes!"