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But not a bit daunted, Queequeg steered us manfully; now sheering off from this monster directly across our route in advance; now edging away from that, whose colossal flukes were suspended overhead, while all the time, Starbuck stood up in the bows, lance in hand, pricking out of our way whatever whales he could reach by short darts, for there was no time to make long ones.

"Some ships sail from their ports, and ever afterwards are missing, Starbuck!" "Truth, sir: saddest truth." "Some men die at ebb tide; some at low water; some at the full of the flood; and I feel now like a billow that's all one crested comb, Starbuck. I am old; shake hands with me, man." Their hands met; their eyes fastened; Starbuck's tears the glue.

Ricolleck one little chap that didn't look like he was strong enough to pull up a handful o' white clover snatched up a flag, butted his way to the front and put his colors on the breastworks o' the inimy." "I thank you," Tom replied. "But you don't seem to be astonished that the preacher wasn't scared." "Who, Jim? Oh, no. Jim's a Starbuck."

East Tennessee did not tear itself loose from the Union; Andrew Johnson and Parson Brownlow, one a statesman and the other a fanatic, strangled the edicts of the lordly lowlanders and sent regiment after regiment to the Federal army. Among the first to enlist were old Jasper Starbuck and his twin boys. The boys did not come back.

Meanwhile the boat was still booming through the mist, the waves curling and hissing around us like the erected crests of enraged serpents. "That's his hump. THERE, THERE, give it to him!" whispered Starbuck. A short rushing sound leaped out of the boat; it was the darted iron of Queequeg.

They sprang apart and he took his daughter to his breast; and the boy stood there waiting, striving to say something. "Mr. Starbuck, I " "Looks like everythin' has been said," Jasper broke in; and then upon the young fellow he cast a kindly look. "She couldn't hide that she loved you, sir." "I am thankful for that. But everything has not been said, Mr.

Before the money was gone I had found, through Judge Matthews, congenial work. There was in Cincinnati but one afternoon newspaper the Evening Times owned by Calvin W. Starbuck. He had been a practical printer but was grown very rich.

"I have sat before the dense coal fire and watched it all aglow, full of its tormented flaming life; and I have seen it wane at last, down, down, to dumbest dust. Old man of oceans! of all this fiery life of thine, what will at length remain but one little heap of ashes!" "Aye," cried Stubb, "but sea-coal ashes mind ye that, Mr. Starbuck sea-coal, not your common charcoal.

Thrusting his head half-way into the binnacle, Ahab caught one glimpse of the compasses; his uplifted arm slowly fell; for a moment he almost seemed to stagger. Standing behind him Starbuck looked, and lo! the two compasses pointed East, and the Pequod was as infallibly going West.

And now suspended in stages over the side, Starbuck and Stubb, the mates, armed with their long spades, began cutting a hole in the body for the insertion of the hook just above the nearest of the two side-fins.