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Updated: August 1, 2024

"When I come back, I shall bring my wife with me!" "God bless us and save us," she exclaimed, "it'll be quare to think of you with a wife, an' it on'y the other day since you were a child, an' me skelpin' you for provokin' me. Well, I'll have the house ready for yous both when you come!" "Will you tell Matier to harness the horse...." "I'll tell him this minute.

"'Will he never come? she cries, an' a' heard the soond o' the horse's feet on the road a mile awa in the frosty air. "'The Lord be praised! said Burnbrae, and a' slippit doon the ladder as the doctor came skelpin' intae the close, the foam fleein' frae his horse's mooth.

"If it hadna been for the lid o' the water-barrel gien wey yon nicht, you michta been skelpin' Dossie's bairns the day an' your ain too." We a' took a hearty lauch at Ribekka's ootburst. "Eh, that was a pliskie," said Mistress Kenawee. "Dossie got a gey drookin' that nicht.

"'Will he never come? she cries, an' a' heard the soond o' the horse's feet on the road a mile awa in the frosty air. "'The Lord be praised! said Burnbrae, and a' slippit doon the ladder as the doctor came skelpin' intae the close, the foam fleein' frae his horse's mooth.

"It's a d-duty, Peter," as they ran to the keeper's house, "especially when there's a g-gang of them and such b-bad-looking fellows v-vice just written on their faces. It's horried to see boys so young and so w-wicked." "What young prodigals are yon comin' skelpin' along, as if the dogs were aifter them?" and the head keeper came out from the kennels.

Dick Boyle, traveling for the big firm o' Fletcher & Co. of Chicago" he interpolated, rising suddenly to the formal heights of polite introduction; "so it sorter looks ez ef any SKELPIN' was to be done it might be the other way round, ha! ha!"

"'Will he never come? she cries, an' a' heard the soond o' the horse's feet on the road a mile awa in the frosty air. "'The Lord be praised! said Burnbrae, and a' slippit doon the ladder as the doctor came skelpin' intae the close, the foam fleein' frae his horse's mooth.

"'Will he never come? she cries, an' a' heard the soond o' the horse's feet on the road a mile awa' in the frosty air. "'The Lord be praised! said Burnbrae, and a' slipped doon the ladder as the doctor came skelpin' intae the close, the foam fleein' frae his horse's mooth.

'Ay is 't. It's Shackspear. 'I hae heard o' him, said Robert. 'What was he? 'A player kin' o' a chiel', wi' an unco sicht o' brains, answered John. 'He cudna hae had muckle time to gang skelpin' and sornin' aboot the country like maist o' thae cattle, gin he vrote a' that, I'm thinkin'. 'Whaur did he bide?

"Six or seven times I've nearly caught him an' young Bray in it, but to-night I run 'em down, an' only they escaped me I'd have give 'em the father of a skelpin'. If I ketch them there again I'll bring 'em before the court an' give 'em three months; but you being a neebur, I'd like to give you a show of keepin' him out first."

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