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Had the haste in the dock-yards of Lisbon and Cadiz been at all equal to the magnificent procrastination in the council-chambers of Bruges and Ghent, Medina Sidonia might already have been in the Thames. But although little ostensible business was performed, there was one man who had always an eye to his work.

So my brave sheriff turns from a roaring ox into a poor cowardly hare, and sends off the dairy-woman with a fine haunch of venison and a sweetbread to Sidonia: "His worship's compliments to the illustrious lady with these, and begged to know if she could send him anything good for the rheumatism, which had attacked him quite suddenly.

The lands granted to him were those of Medina Sidonia which lie between the Rivers Guadiana and Guadalquivir, and they have ever since been held by his descendants, who still bear the honored name of Guzman, witnessing that the man who gave the life of his first-born rather than break his faith to the King has left a posterity as noble and enduring as any family in Europe.

A great judge, like yourself a real artist, once told me at Bruxelles, that the grand opera could not produce its equal. 'I can credit it, said Sidonia, 'for I perceive in Josephine, as well as indeed in all your children, a rare ability! 'I will be frank, said Baroni, looking at Sidonia very earnestly, and laying down his clarionet.

He had seen her certainly on more than one occasion in lengthened and apparently earnest conversation with Sidonia, who, by-the- bye, spoke with her often in Spanish, and never concealed his admiration of her charms or the interest he found in her society.

'I am sure I should be kind to them, said Sidonia, 'for many reasons, and particularly for one; and he whispered something in Baroni's ear. Baroni started from his seat with a glowing cheek, but Sidonia, looking at his watch and promising to attend their evening performance, bade them adieu.

And here a moving scene was witnessed, for as they entered, Prince Ernest extended his thin, pale hands towards Sidonia, exclaiming, "Sidonia, ah, dearest Sidonia, have you come at last to nursetend me?" then he took her little hand, kissed it, and bedewed it with his tears, still repeating, "Sidonia, dearest Sidonia, have you come to nursetend me?"

Ask any of our friends whom you pass. There is Emilius How do you do? Count Voyna, come home with us, and bring your Bavarian friend. 'How is Sidonia, Madame de Schulembourg? inquired Augusta. 'Oh, quite mad. He will not be sane this week. There is his last letter; read it, and return it to me when we meet.

She must give the artful hypocrite good words but they were of no avail Sidonia insisted on leaving the castle that instant with her father; then turning to Duke Barnim, she exclaimed with bitter tears, "Now, gracious Prince, you see yourself how I am treated here."

Then the young Sidonia began to coax and caress the old Duke, stroking his long beard, which reached to his girdle, with her little white hands, and prayed that he would place her with the princely Lady of Wolgast, for she longed to go there. People said that it was such a beautiful place, and the sea was not far off, which she had never been at in all her life.