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Updated: August 17, 2024

Whitfield and Tirzah Ann had gone santerin' off some time before. The hour and the seen wuz both beautiful and soothin'. The little streets between the houses stretched out on every side, some on 'em bordered with trees.

As I said, we had writ and writ and tried to find him, but didn't know but we should have to hunt round considerable, but wuz bound to not leave the islands till we'd seen him. But lo and behold! here he wuz, lookin' just as good and heavenly minded as ever. He wuz santerin' along apparently lost in deep thought or nearly lost.

He sent fer a mighty fine doctor, but de med'cine didn' 'pear ter do no good; de goopher had a good holt. Henry tole de doctor 'bout de goopher, but de doctor des laff at 'im. "One day in de winter Mars Dugal' went ter town, en wuz santerin' 'long de Main Street, when who should he meet but Henry's noo marster.

Grass plats and terraces and long flights of stairs, and glowin' flower beds and summer houses and long smooth walks and short ones, and everything. And folks all the time santerin' up and down the terraces and walks, and up and down the piazzas and balconies. It beat all what a lot of steam yots and sailboats there wuz all round us.

Such a one we had a happy-go-lucky fellow from whom, they said, "you can hear the news jinglin' afore he comes within gunshot." It amused me to record the many ways he had of announcing his mission by indirection. Here is the list: "I'm jes' broguin' about." "Yes, I'm jest cooterin' around." "I'm santerin' about." "Oh, I'm jes' prodjectin' around." "Jist traffickin' about."

He sent fer a mighty fine doctor, but de med'cine did n' 'pear ter do no good; de goopher had a good holt. Henry tole de doctor 'bout de goopher, but de doctor des laff at 'im. "One day in de winter Mars Dugal' went ter town, en wuz santerin' 'long de Main Street, when who should he meet but Henry's noo marster.

As I went into Dreamland Park, it seemed agin as if all the folks in the city wuz there in the immense inner court, surrounded by amusements on every side. They wuz comin' and goin', talkin', laughin', hurryin', santerin', to and fro, fro and to.

"Ef so be thar's anybody a-layin' back thar in ther bresh, I reckon he's done concluded ter wait twell he gits ye by yourself," he decided. "Let's be santerin' along." So they went forward until they came to a point where they stood on the unforested patch of a "bald knob." There Rowlett halted again and pointed downward.

The rest of our party wuz some little distance off and I wuz santerin' along charmed with the beauty about me when who should I meet face to face but Ulaly. Yes, it wuz Ulaly Infanty. I wuz highly tickled, for I considered her a likely young woman and sot store by her when I met her to home at the World's Fair.

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