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Updated: August 12, 2024

I'll direct operations . . while I can . . hold out." There was clearly nothing else to be done; and while Courtenay obeyed the dying man's injunctions, Desmond made haste to join his own sowars, who were already doing smart work with their rifles, under Ressaldar Rajinder Singh. By now the din was terrific. It was as if a special department of hell had been suddenly opened up.

Fatteh Khan, as ressaldar, was the senior officer in camp, and at once gave the order for every man to boot and saddle and get to horse at once. The little party, numbering barely seventy, led by Fatteh Khan, followed the messenger at a gallop for three miles to the scene of the raid.

James, of the Survey Department, to superintend a portion of the work. For his protection during this duty, amongst a people fanatically opposed to anything in the shape of a map or a survey, a party of thirty of the Guides' cavalry was detailed under Ressaldar Fatteh Khan. This detachment was ordered to meet Mr. James at a small village named Gujar Garhi, about two miles from Mardan.

Nor may it be inappropriate to mention that Rasul Khan was a brother of that same ressaldar Fatteh Khan, who only the month before with a handful of the Guides' cavalry had scattered as chaff before the wind the flower of Diwan Mulraj's horsemen, and chased them into the gates of Mooltan.

Directly they moved forward, there was a fierce, concerted rush; láthis in the forefront, bricks and stones hurtling, as at Anarkalli, but with fiercer intent. A large stone whizzed past the ear of an impassive Sikh Ressaldar; half a brick caught Roy on the shoulder; another struck Suráj on the flank and slightly disturbed his equanimity.

"We cannot hold them, Captain Sahib!" panted a Ressaldar of Lancers. "Let us try the carbine. The lance is good, but it wastes time." They tried the carbine, and still the enemy melted away fled up the hills by hundreds when there were only twenty bullets to stop them.

In the course of a very few days some of the Guides had obtained conclusive proof regarding three matters: that the Maharani was at the head of the movement, that her chief agent was the Sikh general Khan Singh, and that the Company's troops had already been tampered with. Ressaldar, a native commissioned officer of cavalry.

"My father's uncle," said Imam Din, slowly, with importance, "was Ressaldar of the Longcoat Horse; and the Empress called him to Belait in the year that she had accomplished fifty years of rule. "He said also that there was a Shish Mahal half a glass palace half a koss in length and that the rail-gbarri ran under the roads, and that there are boats bigger than a village. He is a great talker."

Fifteen of the enemy were shot down by the party, and the captain returned with a sword and a Minie carbine, of which he had relieved a ressaldar of the 8th Cavalry." None but Europeans now remained in the camp. In consequence of their behaviour on this occasion, the 9th Irregulars were sent away, while the Golundazees who composed Renny's artillery were ordered to be disarmed.

Keep yourself perfectly quiet for today; by tomorrow, if you have no signs of fever, and the wound is doing well, we will see about it." Upon leaving him Dr. Wade went out and heard the details of the fight. "Your friend Bathurst particularly distinguished himself," the officer who commanded the volunteers said. "He cut down the ressaldar who commanded the Sepoys, and was in the thick of it.

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