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"I think she has awfully good taste!" Grace exclaimed, not answering this inquiry. "Don't say nasty things about her!" Lady Agnes broke out solemnly to her son after resting her eyes on him a moment with an air of reluctant reprobation. "I say nothing but what she'd say herself," the young man urged. "About some things she has very good taste, but about this kind of thing she has no taste at all."

It astonished Dorothy to find that her aunt was not loud in reprobation of Mr. Gibson's very dreadful conduct. In the meantime Mrs. French had written to her brother at Gloucester.

God knoweth his own. Still there is no surer mark that one is among the number of those whom he hath chosen than the desire to bring all to share in the gracious promises which he has vouchsafed to those that will take advantage of them; and there are few more certain signs of reprobation than indifference as to the existence of unbelief, and faint-heartedness in trying to remove it.

Every grievance enumerated in the long catalogue of the Declaration had been the subject of his discussion, and the object of his remonstrance and reprobation.

"I guess you don't know who I am," said Jim, blustering. "Oh, yes, I do." "Well, who am I, then?" "The bully of the school, I should suppose, from your style of behavior." "Do you hear that, boys?" demanded Jim, in a theatrical tone, turning to the other boys. There was a little murmur in response, but whether of approval or reprobation, it was not easy to judge. "That boy calls me a bully!

It was a great wave of inundation, flooding Asia with the unemployed forces of Europe, animated by passions which excite our admiration, our pity, and our reprobation. They are chiefly interesting for their results, and results which were unforeseen. A philosopher sees in them the hand of Providence, the overruling of mortal wrath to the praise of Him who governs the universe.

"You remember my predecessor's, old Peter M'Brair's business?" "I remember him acutely; he could not look at me without a pang of reprobation, and he could not feel the pang without betraying it. He was to me a man of a great historical interest, but the interest was not returned." "Ah well, we go beyond him," said Mr. Thomson. "I daresay old Peter knew as little about this as I do.

Balfour than the absence in him of any sort of excitement or agitation, in dealing with the current charges against the Irishmen. It seemed to me that he had quietly accepted the fact that he was fighting a revolution, and, while perfectly clear as to his own course of action, wasted no nervous force on moral reprobation of the persons concerned.

When Cornelia finds children too many for her, when her step trembles and her cheek fades, when the sparkle dies on her chalice-brim and her salt has lost its savor, her jewels are Tarpeian jewels. One child educated by healthy and happy parents is better than seven dragging their mother into the grave, notwithstanding the unmeasured reprobation of our little book.

Again, this author says: "A few years ago science and human thought were accepting an account of life which let a man fall like a beast in the field, or a tree in the wood. To-day that explanation satisfies no one. It is agreed that the meaning of life can be complete only in terms of spirit and immortality." Is not the old doctrine of reprobation here utterly denied?