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Then came the Duke along the line, and behind him, like the Shadow of Death, paced my father Gottfried Gottfried, habited all in red from neck to heel, and carrying for his badge of office as Hereditary Justicer to the Dukes of the Wolfmark that famous red-handled, red-bladed axe, the gleaming white of whose deadly edge had never been wet save with the blood of men and women.

The key was in the outer door, upon the inside, but they did not unlock it until they had viewed the body. There was a great pool of blood in the bed, and in it was lying a red-handled case knife, which was produced, and identified by the witness. Just then they heard Mr. Marston calling for admission, and they opened the door with some difficulty, for the lock was rusty. Mr.

Just before you fired for the second time, Nombe whispered to me 'Throw' and I threw the little red-handled spear into the air. Then as the pistol went off Nombe whispered 'Come. I slipped away down the path and back with her into the hut, where she kissed me and said that I had done well indeed, after which she took off my strange robe and helped me to put on my own dress.

Why, I rec'lect once, Henry brought me up a red-handled broom from th' store. My! it wa'n't no time b'fore he was cleaned right out of red-handled brooms. Nobody wanted 'em natural color, striped, or blue.

Henry, he says to me, 'What did you do to advertise them red-handled brooms, Abby? 'Why, papa, says I, 'I swept off my stoop and the front walk a couple of times, that's all. 'Well, he says, 'broom-handles is as catching as measles, if you only get 'em th' right color! ... Git-ap, Dolly!"

"I remember that prophecy, O King. Mopo told it to me within an hour of the death of the Black One when he gave me the little red-handled assegai that he snatched from the Black One's hand to do the deed. It makes me almost young again to think of it, although even then I was old," replied Zikali in a dreamy voice like one who speaks to himself.

Down the stream of Time they marched in their marshalled regiments. Chaka stood over her she knew him by his likeness to Dingaan and threatened her with a little, red-handled spear, asking her how she dared to sit upon the throne of the Spirit of his nation.