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'I order you now! returned the Jogi. 'Go and beg enough for you and for me. So Raja Rasalu rose up, and stood at the gate of Queen Sundran's palace, in his Jogi's dress, and sang, 'Alakh! at thy threshold I stand, Drawn from far by the name of thy charms; Fair Sundran, with generous hand, Give the earring-decked Jogi an alms!

Then the Raja ordered the centre post to be planted in hopes that this would make the water rise; and he told the coolies not to run away as he would make a feast to celebrate the making of the tank and would distribute presents among them, and at this the labourers were very pleased.

However he had to give back the cow and pay twenty-five rupees to the panchayat. In gratitude to the jackal the owner of the cow bought a goat and gave it to the jackal and then the jackal went away and was seen no more. C. The Prince Who Would Not Marry. There was once a Raja who in spite of having many wives was childless; and his great desire was to have a son.

Plate I. reproduces part of a letter, addressed by Shah Jahan to an ancestor of the present Maharajah of Gidhour. In this letter the Raja Dalan Singh is informed that "the auspicious impress of the royal hand" is sent as a mark of royal favour, and he is commanded to proceed to Court to participate in the festivities and to pay homage to the Emperor. Bernier's "Travels" Constable's translation.

To repair it, the Emperor despatched his best commander, Rájá Todar Mall, supported by Rájá Mán Singh, of Jaipur. These generals manoeuvred with great caution, supporting their advance by stockades, and eventually completely defeated the tribes in the Khaibar Pass. He was noted for his liberality and his bonhomie.

A Goala woman, going to the river for water, found them, and as she was childless took them home with her and brought them up. Meanwhile the Raja was carried down stream by the flood and was washed ashore, bruised and wounded, a long way down.

When the people of the kampong need rice or have any other wish, a fowl or pig is killed; the blood is smeared on the raja and on the slaves, and some of the meat is deposited in a jar standing next to him. When advised of what is wanted the raja gives the slaves orders to see that the people are supplied.

Whether the three sultans maintain a struggle of hostile rivalship, or act with an appearance of concert, as holding the nominal sovereignty under a species of joint-regency, I am not informed, but each of them in the preamble of his letters assumes all the royal titles, without any allusion to competitors; and although their power and resources are not much beyond those of a common raja they do not fail to assert all the ancient rights and prerogatives of the empire, which are not disputed so long as they are not attempted to be carried into force.

To the end he fought his foes in his old, plucky, honest, vigorous and straightforward style. He died in June, 1868, from a paralytic stroke, and was succeeded by his nephew, the present Raja.

One day a fisherman caught an enormous fish and he thought that if he took it to the Raja he would get a big price for it. So he went off to the palace, but when he came to the gate the sentry stopped him and would not let him go in, until he promised to give him half of what he got, and after some argument he had to promise.