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We lifted hands to clap and opened mouths to hurrah, but she raised a warning hand. "No, vait if you pleass. "Se secondt of sose two or sree sings it is sat he Monsieur Fontenette hass ask me " Our hearts rose slowly into our throats "Ze vun qvestion to vich sare can be only se vun answeh." At this we gulped our breath like schoolgirls and glowed.

'Wot are you goin' away for? demanded Sam, seizing his father by the coat-tail. 'I never see such a undootiful boy as you, Samivel, returned Mr. Weller. 'Didn't you make a solemn promise, amountin' almost to a speeches o' wow, that you'd put that 'ere qvestion on my account?

Weller to his son, 'or I shall be committin' you to the cellar, and then p'r'aps we may get into what the 'Merrikins call a fix, and the English a qvestion o' privileges. Having uttered this friendly caution, the President settled himself in his chair with great dignity, and requested that Mr. Samuel would relate an anecdote. 'I've told one, said Sam.

These emotions, however, gradually subsided, and after three or four short relapses he wiped his eyes with the cuff of his coat, and looked about him with tolerable composure. 'Afore the governor vith-draws, said Mr. Weller, 'there is a pint, respecting vich Sammy has a qvestion to ask. Vile that qvestion is a perwadin' this here conwersation, p'raps the genl'men vill permit me to re-tire.