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Captain Cai relaxed his frown. After all, 'twas good to return and find the little town running on just as he left it, even down to Quaymaster Bussa and his dandering ways.

He improved on this condemnation as, having pushed clear and brought his boat safely alongside, he climbed the steps and met the Quaymaster, who advanced to greet him with an ingratiating smile. " A scandal to the civilised world! There's a way to stack ballast, now! Look at it, sproiled about the quay-edge like a skittle-alley in a cyclone!

In it he saw half a dozen townsmen Barber Toy, Landlord Oke, the Quaymaster, and Mr Philp among them gathered around the mound of sand on the Quay, solemnly playing a child's game with his tall hat.

"He has not since emerged," added the Quaymaster Bussa darkly, as doubtful that in the interim Captain Hunken might have suffered forcible conversion into one of the obscurer "lines" of ship-chandlery, wherein so much purports to be what it is not. "I was told I should find him here," said Cai. "But would ye mind fetchin' him down to me? The fact is, I want him on a matter of private business."

"Well, then, I hope it is true." "'Tis nothing of the sort," snapped Mr Rogers. Seeing how Captain Cai's face fell, he added, "I may be wrong, o' course, but I reckon there was two tenants, and they wanted a cottage apiece." "Ah, to be sure!" agreed the honest captain, visibly relieved. But the Quaymaster persisted.

Mr Rogers dismissed the subject as the Quaymaster came sidling up to join them. Mild gossip was a passion with the Quaymaster, and eavesdropping his infirmity. "Well, Cap'n Cai, and so you've hauled ashore and for good, if I hear true?" "For good it is, please God," answered Captain Cai, lifting his hat at the word. He was a simple man and a pious.

"And now, Peter Bussa, what d'ye say to running off and annoying somebody else?" The Quaymaster fawned, and was backing away. But at this point up came Barber Toy, who for some minutes had been fretting to attract Captain Cai's notice, and could wait no longer. "Hulloa, there! "Well, home you be, it seems, an' welcome as flowers in May!" "Thank 'ee, Toy." Captain Cai shook hands.