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Whether through lack of interest, or from a lingering dislike to revisit the spot where he was seized with illness, he did not, I believe, once enter the picture-gallery before he left Royston. I cannot say as much for myself. The picture of Adrian Temple exerted a curious fascination over me, and I constantly took an opportunity of studying it.

Another mansion near at hand, and most picturesquely situated, is Wallington Hall, lying a short distance away on the north bank of the Wansbeck. It is one of the most notable country houses in Northumberland, and especially so on account of its unique picture-gallery, roofed with dull glass, and containing several series of pictures connected with Northumbrian history.

When I returned alone to the picture-gallery when I remembered that I had not even had the wit to improve my opportunity by discovering her name and address I did really and seriously ask myself if these were the first symptoms of softening of the brain. I got up, and sat down again. I, the most audacious man of my age in London, had behaved like a bashful boy!

Never before had she been in the company of so absolutely charming a companion. Maggie was the best listener in the world. She never interrupted with tiresome or irrelevant questions. When she did speak it was with the utmost intelligence, showing clearly that she understood what she was being told. By-and-by they found themselves in the picture-gallery.

Clarissa, who now and again would forget her sorrow and revert to her former self, as she had done in the picture-gallery, could not now, under the eye as it were of her father, her sister, and her old lover, forget her troubles. She knew what was expected of her; but she could not do it; she could not do it at least as yet.

The Dinsmores were occupying an old palace, the property of a noble family whose decayed fortunes compelled the renting of their ancestral home. In the afternoon of the day of their visit to the picture-gallery Mr.

This cave is about a mile deep; and it will take you half a mile of awkward groping amongst boulders and stalactites, not to mention a choke in one part of the passage such as must puzzle a fat man, before the cavern becomes spacious, and you find yourself in the vast underground cathedral that pre-historic man has chosen for his picture-gallery.

We came to the first room of paintings. Sylvestre beamed like a man who feels at home. "Quick, Sylvestre, where is the sketch? Let's hurry to it." But he dragged me with him around several rooms. Have you ever experienced the intoxication of color which seizes the uninitiated at the door of a picture-gallery?

"Get up and quit my house, or, by the living light above us, I'll blow your brains out as I would a mad hound's!" He swung round and strode out of the picture-gallery, and slowly, slowly arose the prostrate hero, with bloody face and blackened eyes. "Get up, Mr. Parmalee," she said, "and go away at once.

But I will not take you through my entire picture-gallery, as I have two good stories to tell you before saying good-by. Depressing remarks have reached me about my "lakelet," which at first was ridiculed by every one. The struggle of evolution from the "spring hole" was severe and protracted.