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If we may judge by the number and frequency of editions, most of the indefatigable scribbler's tales found a ready sale, while the best of them, such as "Idalia" , "The Fatal Secret" , "The Mercenary Lover" , "The Fruitless Enquiry" and "Philidore and Placentia" , gained for her not a little applause. Nor was the young adventuress in letters unhailed by literary men.

There Philidore waits with the utmost impatience for the wounded man to recover strength enough to relate his story, but this, as also the misfortunes, perplexities, and dangers to which the despairing passion of the enamoured Placentia occasioned her to reduce herself, and the catastrophe of Philidore's surprising fate, must be told in a Second Part.

The noble Philidore falls in love with the rich and beautiful Placentia, but as his estate is no match for hers, he contents himself with entering her service in disguise and performing menial offices for the pleasure of seeing her. One day she hears him singing in a grotto, and is charmed by the graceful replies he makes to her questions.

A prettily got-up box containing red and white paint, and two sticks of black and blue cosmetic for the eyebrows and veins, with camel's hair pencils for applying the latter. Sells in St. Petersburg at 6s. 4d. Philidore. Remede Specifique pour oter les Pellicules de la tete, etc.

Haywood attempted an even loftier flight into the empyrean of romance, with the result that "Philidore and Placentia: or, L 'Amour trop Delicat" is more conventional and stilted than any other work from her pen.

But as in such novels as "Philidore and Placentia" and "The Agreeable Caledonian" the characters wander widely over the face of Europe and even come in contact with strange Eastern climes, so the writers of romantic tales ransacked the remotest corners of literature and history for sensational matter.

Placentia in England raves of her passion for Philidore exactly as Alovisa in Paris, Emanuella in Madrid, or Cleomelia in Bengal expose the raptures and agonies of their passions. The hero of "The Double Marriage" rescues a distressed damsel in the woods outside of Plymouth exactly as one of Ariosto's or Spenser's knights-errant might have done in the fairy country of old romance.

Philidore Stossen to her daughter, "through a small grass paddock and then through a walled fruit garden full of gooseberry bushes. I went all over the place last year when the family were away. There is a door that opens from the fruit garden into a shrubbery, and once we emerge from there we can mingle with the guests as if we had come in by the ordinary way.

Some time later, the return of Placentia's long lost brother, by depriving her of her fortune, puts her on a level with her lover. Philidore is captured by pirates and with eleven others set on shore on a desert strand. Three of the little company reach civilization. After recuperating their strength, they set out for Persia overland, but a tiger deprives Philidore of his two companions.

E.C. Baldwin, p. 19. Philidore and Placentia , p. 12. Miss C.E. Morgan, The Novel of Manners, , 100. A companion-piece to the third edition of The Mercenary Lover, . A companion-piece to The Fatal Secret: or, Constancy in Distress. Monthly Review, XXXVIII, 412, May, 1768. Clementina; or the History of an Italian Lady, who made her Escape from a Monastery, etc. Critical Review, XXV, 59.