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The two others are, one, largely English, the Pedagogical Library, established under the auspices of the Commissioner of Education, and the San Juan Free Library, to which Mr. Andrew Carnegie has given $100,000, and which is polyglot, and was formally opened to the public April 20, 1901. There is also a growing number of libraries in the public schools.

We have before us in America the highly important and by no means easy task of harmonizing, under new conditions, all sorts of forces and desires by directing them in ways and toward ends which cannot now be wholly determined. There is both a psychological and a pedagogical aspect of the situation.

Shabalov was particularly displeased with the participation of certain instructors and instructresses in the local pedagogical circle. This circle was initiated in the town of Skorodozh some three years before by the gymnasia instructor Bodeyev and the town school instructor Voronok.

Moreover and this was the most iconoclastic spectacle of all to his conservative pedagogical neighbours in the Appian Way telegraph boys on bicycles kept rushing to and fro in a stream between the Hooker boarding-house and Harvard Square at all hours of the day and night.

It is quite as true in a pedagogical sense as in the scriptural sense that "Men do not gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles," and, also, that "By their fruits ye shall know them." The stream does not rise higher than the source. What a man is doing and how he is doing it tells us what he is.

In his brief report he expresses especial interest in the possibility of educating this "genius among apes" to the use of language. A chimpanzee named Consul was observed several years ago by Hirschlaff , and his tricks were interestingly described from the pedagogical standpoint. Similar in character is Shepherd's brief description of the stage behavior of Peter and Consul, both chimpanzees.

I'll probably have my troubles, too, with the novel-writer, the poet, the politician, and the bareback rider. But I must manage somehow if I hope to retain my membership in the band. I see that I shall have to serve quite an apprenticeship in the band before I write my treatise on the subject of pedagogical predestination.

It distributes charities, conducts a Noonday Rest, outings in the country, and devotes itself to doing good. By E. G. Lancaster. By H.E. Kratz. Pedagogical Seminary, June, 1896, vol. 3, pp. 413-418. By H.M. Willard. Barnes's Studies in Education, vol. 2, pp. 243-258. Chas. Will S. Monroe. By M.E. Schallenberger. By E. M Darrah. Barnes's Studies in Education, vol. 1, pp. 213-216.

Kant, with many other psychologists, gives greater prominence to the original powers of the mind, to the innate ideas, by means of which it receives and works over the crude materials furnished by the senses. The difference between Kant and Herbart in interpreting the process of apperception is an index of a radical difference in their pedagogical standpoints.

It would open a very interesting pedagogical debate and we are inclined to believe that the "anti-uniformists" would carry away the honors. We do not pretend that the State has no rights in matters of education. But its interference should be consistent with the prior and more fundamental rights of the individual and the family and not become a usurpation or abrogation of them.