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The jockey seemed to explode after the fashion of an over-inflated ball. He squeaked like a rat, leaped to his feet, hurled the chair on which he had been sitting crash against the door from which Windy Bill et al had withdrawn hastily, and ended by producing a small wicked-looking automatic then a new and strange weapon and rushing out into the main saloon.

"The honours paid me were the greatest that were ever known from the great." The self-painted portrait is not, it must be confessed, altogether an attractive one. It is somewhat wanting in dignity, and its air of over-inflated complacency is at times slightly ridiculous. But we must not judge Sterne in this matter by too severe a standard.

"This was insinuated once" Ashe was lying flat now, gazing speculatively up at the projection of logs and earth which made them a partial roof "along with a lot of other bright ideas, by a gentleman named Charles Fort, who took a lot of pleasure in pricking what he considered to be vastly over-inflated scientific pomposity.

Those signs are all that saves him from going to pieces like an over-inflated balloon. He's the only man we'll have to fight." "What convinces you of that?" she asked. "See here," he urged, the emphasizing forefinger tapping again. "This will always be range country. It will only support a certain number of cows.

Then, not louder than a heavy stroke upon a drum, came the detonation of the buried cartridges in the first hole, and the earth above them suddenly ballooned and burst like an over-inflated paper-bag and let through a spit of brief fire and a jet of smoke. "Ach, du lieber" began the Baron, and had the words chopped off short by the second explosion.