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In these as in other respects the ovaries are precisely analogous to the testes. They not only form the ova, but they elaborate for internal use a secretion which develops and maintains the special physical and mental qualities of womanhood, as the testicular secretion those of manhood.

But I think it's pretty ha'd. Who am I going to talk it ova with, then?" "You can talk it ova with the vice-consul," paid Clementina, at random. "Well, that's so." Mrs. Lander let Clementina get her ready for the night, in sign of returning amity; when she was angry with her she always refused her help, and made her send Maddalena.

A form of fungus known as Byssus grows upon dead ova, and it is principally for this reason that they must be removed. Livingstone Stone says of Byssus: "With trout eggs in water at 40° or 50° Fahrenheit, it generally appears within forty-eight hours after the egg turns white, and often sooner, and the warmer the water the quicker it comes.

We may call this reduced number N and the full number 2N. The ova developing by parthenogenesis and giving rise to males segment in the usual way, and all the cells both of soma and gametocytes contain only N chromosomes.

It is not necessary minutely to describe its arrangements, from the spawning ponds and the hatching tanks the latter contained in a huge building, whose temperature is preserved with the utmost care at the rate found best suited to the ova to the multitude of streams, ponds, and lakes in which the different kinds of fish are kept during the several stages of their existence.

It don't seem right to pass 'em ova. Do you think it would yourself, Clementina?" "Why, of cou'se not, Mrs. Lander. It wouldn't be right at all." Mrs. Lander looked relieved, and she said, as if a little surprised, "I'm glad you feel that way; I should feel just so, myself. I mean to do by you just what I always said I should.

This freedom from fungus is very marked in the rainbow, for I know of a case where some dace suffering from fungus were put into a rearing pond containing a few rainbows. Though the dace died of the disease, the rainbows remained healthy and free from it. The amateur will probably receive the ova of the rainbow towards the end of April or during May.

I do hope Albe't won't hang round half the day before he brings her; I like to have a thing ova." Lander wandered about looking for the girl through the parlors and the piazzas, and then went to the office to ask what had become of her. The landlord came out of his room at his question to the clerk. "Oh, I guess she's round in my wife's room, Mr. Landa.

These spots, when examined by the microscope, were found to contain some of the eggs of the tricocephalus. Some of the flies themselves were then caught, and their intestines presented large numbers of the ova. Similar experiments with the ova of the Oxyuris vermicularis and of the Toenia solium afforded corresponding results.

The other alternative put by Professor Koelliker the passage of fecundated ova in the course of their development into higher forms would, if it occurred, be merely an extreme case of variation in the Darwinian sense, greater in degree than, but perfectly similar in kind to, that which occurred when the well-known Ancon Ram was developed from an ordinary Ewe's ovum.