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Updated: August 2, 2024

I sot demute as the Spinks, and a chippin' bird tappin' his wing aginst her stuny breast would move it jest as much as he moved me by his talk or his sithes. But he kep' on, puttin' on a sort of a sad injured look as if my coldness wuz ondoin' of him. "My dear madam, it is my misfortune that the topics I introduce, however carefully selected by me, do not seem to be congenial to you.

Pomper so stiddy at my shrine, And I got so that I almost hated the good looks that wuz ondoin' him and me too.

I takes one also; the same bein' futile, so far as he'pin' my hand goes; an' the others takes kyards various. "Thar's only one raise, an' that's when it gets to Hamilton. He sets in a little over two hundred dollars, bein' the balance of the stake; an' two of us is feeble-minded enough to call. What does he have? Well, it's ample for our ondoin' that a-way.

And he stuck to it, that his father wuz a banker and doin' a heavy business. Wall, it kep' on, she a goin' with him through ambition, for I see plain, by signs I knoo, that she didn't love him half as well as she did Abram. And I felt bad, dretful bad, to set still and see Ambition ondoin' of her.

Where wuz they takin' me? Wuz I to perish in these wilds? Wuz they carryin' me off for booty? I had on my cameo pin and I trembled. It wuz my pride in Jonesville; wuz I to lose my life for it? Or wuz it my good looks that wuz ondoin' of me? Did they want to make me their brides? I sez to them in agonizin' axents, "Take me back instantly to my pardner! He is the choice of my youth!

And he sithed agin, a sort of a deceitful, love-sick sithe. I sot demute as the Sfinx, and a chippin'-bird a tappin' his wing against her stunny breast would move it jest as much as he moved me by his talk or his sithes. But he kep' on, puttin' on a kind of a sad, injured look, as if my coldness wus ondoin' of him,

Lyddy Pettigrove's dead, 'n' I hope she's in heaven, and all I can say is, that she'll be dretful busy up there ondoin' all she done down here. You say there was a good many out?"

Thar used to be jest sech a mendacious party who camps 'round Wolfville for a while if I don't misrecollect, he gets plugged standin' up a through stage, final who is wont to lie that a-way; we calls him 'Lyin' Amos. But they're only meant to entertain you; them stories be. Amos is never really out to put you on a wrong trail to your ondoin'.

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