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But Cecilia was now in her element. Her plan of operations was wide enough even to include Francine. "You shall wash the lettuce, my dear, and stone the olives for Emily's mayonnaise. Don't be discouraged! You shall have a companion; we will send to the rectory for Miss Plym the very person to chop parsley and shallot for my omelet. Oh, Emily, what a morning we are going to have!"

This is an unfailing recipe for a most delicious preparation of cranberries. Very fine with turkey and game. Apple omelet, to be served with broiled sparerib or roast pork, is very delicate.

They have been just an ordinary couple ever since, and attend their chapel regularly. Sometimes Annie comes over to make me an omelet; and, as a matter of fact, she is now in the kitchen. But not a word has ever been spoken between us about her honeymoon. In the matter of These-an'-That himself, public opinion in Troy is divided.

It was nearly seven in the morning when we quitted the gates of Paris, and we arrived that evening at the little village of d'Etampes, where our landlord, pressing us to refresh ourselves, almost burned his inn in making us an omelet with rotten eggs. The flames, ascending the old chimney, soon rose to the roof of the house, but they succeeded in extinguishing them.

"Ah! yes, he is a very virtuous man, our King Henri III." "I do not know if he be virtuous; but I know that I have never seen anything there to make me blush." "You blush!" At this moment M. Boutromet entered with the omelet and two more bottles. "Bring it here," cried the monk, with a smile, which showed his thirty-two teeth. "But, friend, I thought you had a discourse to pronounce."

Take the eggs, a limber knife and the salt to the stove. Draw the pan over the hottest part of the fire, turn in the eggs, and dust over a half teaspoonful of salt. Shake the pan so that the omelet moves and folds itself over each time you draw the pan towards you. Lift the edge of the omelet, allowing the thin, uncooked portion of the egg to run underneath. Shake again, until the omelet is "set."

As soon as it is cooked through, fold it double, turn it out on a hot dish, and serve at once. Very good. Cut raw ham into dice, fry with butter and when cooked enough, turn the beaten egg over it and cook as a plain omelet. If boiled ham is used, mince it and mix with the egg after they are beaten. Bacon may be used instead of raw ham.

Add a saltspoonful of pepper, a tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley, a teaspoonful of onion juice. Put six thin slices of bacon in the omelet pan. Cook slowly until all the fat is tried out. Remove the bacon, add a tablespoonful of chopped onion. Cook until the onion is slightly brown, turn in the eggs and finish the same as a plain omelet.

As we close it, the club-room is before us, and the table on which stands the omelet for Nugent, and the lemons for Johnson. There are assembled those heads which live for ever on the canvas of Reynolds.

Every hand was at her service more literally. Did not the very serving-men at table watch her eye? Was not he the best fellow who could recommend the hottest omelet and bring the freshest cakes to her hand?