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Jonathan Oldenbuck, or Oldinbuck, by popular contraction Oldbuck, of Monkbarns, was the second son of a gentleman possessed of a small property in the neighbourhood of a thriving seaport town on the north-eastern coast of Scotland, which, for various reasons, we shall denominate Fairport.

Insensibly the legend of Aldobrand Oldenbuck, and his mysterious visits to the inmates of the chamber, awoke in his mind, and with it, as we often feel in dreams, an anxious and fearful expectation, which seldom fails instantly to summon up before our mind's eye the object of our fear. Brighter sparkles of light flashed from the chimney, with such intense brilliancy as to enlighten all the room.

Dousterswivel, in Westphalia, to make use of this elegant candelabrum?" "Alwaysh, Mr. Oldenbuck, when you did not want nobody to talk of nothing you wash doing about And the monksh alwaysh did this when they did hide their church-plates, and their great chalices, and de rings, wid very preshious shtones and jewels."

The German, determined, it would seem, to assert the vantage-ground on which the discovery had placed him, replied with great pomp and stateliness to the attack of the Antiquary. "Maister Oldenbuck, all dis may be very witty and comedy, but I have nothing to say nothing at all to people dat will not believe deir own eye-sights.

The first Oldenbuck, who had settled in their family mansion shortly after the Reformation, was, they asserted, descended from one of the original printers of Germany, and had left his country in consequence of the persecutions directed against the professors of the Reformed religion.

That will be no very productive art in our country; you should carry that property to Spain or Portugal, and turn it to good account." "Ah! my goot Master Oldenbuck, dere is de Inquisition and de Auto-da-fe they would burn me, who am but a simple philosopher, for one great conjurer."

"Mr. Oldenbuck," said Dousterswivel, doggedly, "I have told you already that you will make no good work at all, and I will find some way of mine own to thank you for your civilities to me yes, indeed."

But his is a pursuit exposing him to moral perils, which call for peculiar efforts of self-restraint to save him from them; and the moral Scott holds forth for a sound moral he always has is, If you go as far as Jonathan Oldenbuck did and I don't advise you to go so far, but hint that you should stop earlier say to yourself, Thus far, and no farther.

"Mr. Oldenbuck," said Dousterswivel, doggedly, "I have told you already that you will make no good work at all, and I will find some way of mine own to thank you for your civilities to me yes, indeed."

The German, determined, it would seem, to assert the vantage-ground on which the discovery had placed him, replied with great pomp and stateliness to the attack of the Antiquary. "Maister Oldenbuck, all dis may be very witty and comedy, but I have nothing to say nothing at all to people dat will not believe deir own eye-sights.