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Then come prophetic questions on the destruction of the Sun by the wolf Fenri, the Gods who shall rule in the new world after Ragnarök, the end of Odin. The poem is brought to a close by Odin's putting the question which only himself can answer: "What did Odin say in his son's ear before he mounted the pyre?" and the giant's head is forfeit.

And then, doubtfully, he added. "But he has more energy. The Old Space Ship was sitting there below Aldebaran for years and years. He surely took advantage of the time to replenish his fuel. All the while, we were using ours up in an effort to find him." Jack Odin's science did not go far enough to pursue the conversation. He knew that their power was something like a solar battery.

William laughed. "Thou of all men! To mix that ditch-water with that wine?" "They were mixed in thy blood, Lord King, and thou art the better man for it, so says the world. Old wine and old blood throw any lees to the bottom of the cask; and we shall have a son worthy to ride behind " "Take care!" quoth William. "The greatest captain upon earth." William laughed again, like Odin's self.

Their 'Kingdom of heaven, as his name declared him, who was all that each wished to be, and more, and yet belonged to them, bone of their bone, flesh of their flesh! Ah, it is bitter to all true human hearts to be robbed of their ideal, even though that ideal be that of a mere wild bull, and soulless gladiator.... At last Smid spoke 'Heroes, this is Odin's doom; and the All-father is just.

"And Odin's face gleamed white with rage through the fringes of the mist, and he said between his teeth, 'Who art thou? "And at his voice Freya started and blanched, and wrapped herself in her robe. "And the man said, in a clear loud voice, not defiant, but with a certain royalty about it

There were two ways of reaching Odin's Mount; one, the shorter, over the rocks and through the forest land. The other, the longer, ran across the open plain, between the many earth tombs of the dead who had lived thousands of years before, and past the great mound in which it was said that a warrior of long ago, who was named the Wanderer, lay buried.

It was snatched; handed from man to man.... One after another recognised the beloved golden locks. And then, to the utter astonishment of the girls who stood round, the great simple hearts, too brave to be ashamed of tears, broke out and wailed like children .... Their Amal! Their heavenly man! Odin's own son, their joy and pride, and glory!

And while she was in the reeds the swan-feather dress slipped off her, and Agnar beheld the swan change to a maiden. So bright was her hair, so strong and swift were all her movements, that he knew her for one of Odin's battle-maidens; for one of those who give victory and choose the slain.

She stayed there with her arms across Grani's neck, the Valkyrie leaning across the horse that was born of Odin's horse. And Grani stood listening for some sound. He heard the cries of Gudrun over Sigurd, and then his heart burst and he died. They bore Sigurd out of the Hall and Brynhild went beside where they placed him. She took a sword and put it through her own heart.

Then a man next me cried between his teeth: "It is Ragnaroek come and these are Odin's foes against whom we fight." And so smote the more fiercely till he fell beside me, crying: "Ahoy! A Raven! a Raven!"