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The state of things at Nohant for the last two years had, as we have seen, been tending rather to stifle than to keep alive any hesitation or compunction Madame Dudevant might have felt at breaking openly from her present condition.

Yet with age, the abandonment of many distractions, the retreat to Nohant, the consolations of nature, and her occupation with tales of pastoral life, beginning with La Mare au Diable, there develops within her, there diffuses itself around her, there appears in her work a charm like that which falls upon green fields from the level rays of the evening sun after a day of storms.

As for me, I can flap only one wing, but I kiss you and I love you. G. Sand CLVI. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT, in Paris Nohant, 19 March, 1870 I know, my friend, that you are very devoted to her. I have never had any revelation nor document about her, NOT A WORD, NOT A DEED, which would authorize me to depict her.

They exaggerate that unmercifully, God be thanked, for literature and for individual happiness also. Oh! I have missed you so much. The tides are superb, the wind groans, the river foams and overflows. It blows from the ocean, which benefits one. XLVIII. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT, at Paris Nohant, 8 February, 1867 No, I am not Catholic, but I reject monstrosities.

Aurore exchanged her convent for a life of equal retirement; for her grandmother, fearing lest the pietistic influences to which she had been subjected should awake too dominant a chord in the passionate nature of her pupil, brought her to Nohant at once, where, for a few days, she realized the delight of a greater freedom from rule and surveillance.

We must put an end to the scourge, wipe out infamy with scorn, and inaugurate by faith the resurrection of the country. G. Sand CXCVIII. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Nohant, 16 September, 1871 Dear old friend,

The affair thus concluded, Madame Sand entered formally into possession of Nohant; and early in September she started with her two children for Switzerland, where they spent the autumn holidays in a long-contemplated visit to her friend the Comtesse d'Agoult, then at Geneva.

Tell us of yourself and always love us as we love you. Your old troubadour CCXC. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Nohant, 7th May, 1875 You leave me without news of you? You say that you prefer to be forgotten, rather than to complain ceaselessly, as it is very useless and since you will not be forgotten; complain then, but tell us that you are alive and that you still love us.

I am afraid that you may be uncomfortable in that stage-coach which makes the run, and it is so easy to spare you two and a half hours of discomfort! We embrace you full of hope. I am working like an ox so as to have my novel finished and not to have to think of it a minute when you are here. G. Sand CXLII. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Nohant, 19 December, 1869 So women are in it too?

But it should be said that "Mauprat" was written in 1836 at Nohant, while she was pleading for a legal separation from her husband, which was given her by the tribunal of Bourges, with full authority over the education of her children.