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Updated: August 18, 2024

So Cecile got her first lesson in geography, and a pair of bold, handsome black eyes often glanced almost wistfully in her direction as she learned. That night, at the door of the night-school, the boy with the fiddle came up to Cecile and Maurice. "I say, little Jography," he exclaimed, "you ain't really French, be you?" "I'm Cecile D'Albert, and this is Maurice D'Albert," answered Cecile.

I was already a little in advance of the young people in my community, so I spent my long winter evenings teaching a little night-school to which the young people of the neighborhood came. All my life up to this time my father had been working as a tenant. He now determined to strike out for himself buy stock and rent land. The mule he bought soon became hopelessly lame in the back.

Dalton was, in a sense, a self-made man, having begun as stoker of one of the annealing furnaces when both he and the Works were young. He had climbed steadily, serving his apprenticeship in each department, and studying at a night-school, when such were in operation, until the sudden demise of Mr.

The greater part of their earnings was to be reserved in the school's treasury as a fund to be drawn on to pay their board when they had become students in the day-school, after they had spent one or two years in the night-school. In this way they would obtain a start in their books and a knowledge of some trade or industry, in addition to the other far-reaching benefits of the institution.

With this end in view men and women who were fifty or seventy-five years old would often be found in the night-school. Some day-schools were formed soon after freedom, but the principal book studied in the Sunday-school was the spelling-book. Day-school, night-school, Sunday-school, were always crowded, and often many had to be turned away for want of room.

Boggs, I don't want to be deemed insultin', but you-all oughter go to night-school some'ers ontil you learns the roodiments of the American language."

You have been taking lessons at night-school, I dare say, at all sorts of murky institutions. And, Jack, really, cross my heart, I always stopped the others when they talked this way. I tried to stop you, too. You know I did?" She raised her lashes, a trifle uncertainly, and withdrew her hand from his, a trifle slowly. "It is wrong all horribly wrong.

She asked me if I knew of any large cities; if I had ever crossed a river or seen a hill; if I knew the name of the railroad over which I had come to reach Tuskegee. I was able to answer each of these questions very readily; and she said, "Calhoun, that is geography." She assigned me to one of the lowest classes in the night-school. I bought books which cost $1.70, and had fifty-two cents left.

The girls became more quiet in demeanour, neater in dress, the boys less noisy and aggressive. The boys' night-school had increased greatly in number.

This vault was devoted to us and to our play-boxes: by a tacit law, no master entered it. One evening, just at dusk, a great number of us were here when the bell for night-school rang, and many of us dawdled at the summons. Mr. B., tactless in his anger, bustled in among us, scolding in a shrill voice, and proceeded to drive us forth.

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