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It is during the calm period of the northeast monsoon, February, March and April, when the sea is flat and the sky is bright and unflecked, that the fishery is carried on. The line of banks they are "paars," in the languages of Ceylon cover an extensive submarine plateau off the island's northwest coast, from ancient Hippuros southward to Negombo.

Circumnavigating the Island. Batticaloa, Capital of the Eastern Province. Rice Culture. Fish Shooting. Point Pedro. Jaffna. Northern Province. Oriental Bazaars. Milk ignored. The Clear Sea and White, Sandy Bottom. American Missionaries. A Medical Bureau. Self-Respect a Lost Virtue. Snake Temples. Ramisseram. Adam's Bridge. A Huge Hindu Temple. Island of Manaar. Aripo. The Port of Negombo.

After passing the Bight of Negombo, we soon enter the harbor of Colombo, and as we do so, an English mail steam packet is passed whose decks are crowded with coolies bound for Tuticorin, a port two hundred miles away, across the Gulf of Manaar. The planters of Ceylon import these dusky laborers from southern India at harvest time, when the tea and coffee fields yield their annual product.

"In 1847 or '46," said another informant, "I was a superintendent of a coco-nut estate belonging to Mr. Armitage, situated about twelve miles from Negombo. A rogue elephant did considerable injury to the estate at that time; and one day, hearing that it was then on the plantation, a Mr.

It is difficult to realize that such a locality can be the source of wealth of any sort, and particularly that it is the natal place of that loveliest and purest of gems, the oriental pearl. Still sailing southward, we find ourselves in due time opposite Negombo, seven or eight leagues north of Colombo.

In one family, near Negombo, cobras are kept as protectors, in the place of dogs, by a wealthy man who has always large sums of money in his house. But this is not a solitary case of the kind. I heard of it only the other day, but from undoubtedly good authority.

STRACHAN, a Physician who lived seventeen years there," in which the author describes the manner in which they were shipped by the Dutch, at Matura, Galle, and Negombo. A piece of strong sail-cloth having been wrapped round the elephant's chest and stomach, he was forced into the sea between two tame ones, and there made fast to a boat.

The interpreter moodliar of Negombo had a milk white meminna in 1847, which he designed to send home as an acceptable present to Her Majesty, but it was unfortunately killed by an accident. Ceylon Elk.

Of the habits of the pengolin I found that very little was known by the natives, who regard it with aversion, one name given to it being the "Negombo Devil." Those kept by me were, generally speaking, quiet during the day, and grew restless and active as evening and night approached.