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"That's a bad idea, mate," said the boatswain. "Never you trust a petticoat with dollars. They're all as false as water; you keep an eye on her." Now this word stuck in Keawe's mind; for he was muddled with what he had been drinking. "I should not wonder but she was false, indeed," thought he. "Why else should she be so cast down at my release? But I will show her I am not the man to be fooled.

O'Flynn, the printer of the Bomb, was a cantankerous Irishman with a taste for discoursing on abstract questions, concerning which he grew frightfully muddled and confused. He had a rather mad look in his eye and a disputatious manner.

When the governor was finally induced to intervene and commute some of the sentences, she had a muddled notion that he had deprived Society of its just vengeance, that the well-to-do, well-meaning people had failed to get full punishment for the shocking deeds of the anarchists. And that was all.

I dosed myself as with medicine, and I forced the wine down as though it had been prescribed by a physician to save my life. The heavy fumes of the liquor, which was doubtless adulterated, mounted to my head. As I had gulped it down at a breath, drunkenness seized me promptly; I felt that I was becoming muddled, then I experienced a lucid moment, then confusion followed.

And oh, yes! they give you originals frightful originals, like nothing you've ever had before; and they put a little note at the top of the page telling you to do them first, and you get so muddled trying to think fast that you can't think at all.

By day you mingle with litterateurs, scientists, and philosophers, report has it that you have even managed to stumble your way into my lady's boudoir; but by night you wander like this, insensate, furious, warped in soul, muddled in brain, and only the heart of you alive, the poor unsatisfied heart hungering and crying for what itself makes impossible!" Zouche broke into a harsh laugh.

This position has been misunderstood by many of Poincaré's expositors. They have muddled it up with another question, namely that owing to the inexactitude of observation it is impossible to make an exact statement in the comparison of measures.

He wore pyjamas which sorrowfully misbecame his bulk; his nose was hooked and cruel, his body overcome with sodden corpulence, his eye timorous and dull: he seemed at once oppressed with drowsiness and held awake by apprehension: a pepper rajah muddled with opium, and listening for the march of a Dutch army, looks perhaps not otherwise.

Early's nearest neighbor clapped assurance on suspicion, and his muddled mind was capable of only one idea. No one else, least of all, Madeline, must suspect her little meanness. "Dick, you have an inkling," said Mr. Lenox abruptly, but in all innocence. "Not in the least," said Dick hurriedly. "I assure you that if I had the slightest reason to suspect any one, I would be the first to speak.

You're not going to be so stupid as to begin petitioning, and all that sort of nonsense, to get your father off?" "No," said Frank, with his lower lip quivering; "he'll fight his own battle. I've got a message from him for my mother, and I have to break the news to her." Andrew Forbes uttered a low, soft whistle, and nodded his head. "Before she gets some muddled story, not half true.