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Updated: August 11, 2024

With reference to the landing at Malta in 498: -Transit Melitam Romanus insuiam integram Urit populatur vastat rem hostium concinnat. Lastly, as to the peace which terminated the war concerning Sicily: -Id quoque paciscunt moenia sint Lutatium quae Reconcilient; captivos plurimos idem Sicilienses paciscit obsides ut reddant.

With reference to the landing at Malta in 498: -Transit Melitam Romanus insuiam integram Urit populatur vastat rem hostium concinnat. Lastly, as to the peace which terminated the war concerning Sicily: -Id quoque paciscunt moenia sint Lutatium quae Reconcilient; captivos plurimos idem Sicilienses paciscit obsides ut reddant.

It might appear to be too nearly approaching to the ludicrous, to suggest as an example to the contrary, the metaphysician's attachment to his insubstantial speculations, or the zeal displayed in the pursuit, Extra flammantia moenia mundi, of abstract sciences, where there is no idea of bringing them "within the visible diurnal sphere" to the vulgarity of practical application.

Why this theophany, or how the gods have got out to perform their various 'stunts' on the flammantia moenia mundi, is not asked by their incurious devotees. Through Broadway the dingily glittering tide spreads itself over the sands of 'amusement. Theatres and 'movies' are aglare.

-Humana ante oculos foede cum vita iaceret In terris oppressa gravi sub religione, Quae caput a caeli regionibus ostendebat Horribili super aspectu mortalibus instans, Primum Graius homo mortalis tendere contra Est oculos ausus primusque obsistere contra. Ergo vivida vis animi pervicit, et extra Processit longe flammantia moenia mundi Atque omne immensum peragravit mente animoque-.

The fate of Swift's Struldbrugs seems to me not more horrible than that of a mind imprisoned for ever within the flammantia moenia of inextinguishable memories. Such were the shapes into which the Christian theologians had fashioned a number of moral truths when they annexed the house of human morality. But what is the basis of certitude on which these interpretations rest?

From Fosdinovo one can trace the Magra work its way out seaward, not into the plain where once the candentia moenia Lunæ flashed sunrise from their battlements, but close beside the little hills which back the the southern arm of the Spezzian gulf.

For though, before the "Flamantia Moenia" of the world's triple brass, we are fain to bow our heads inconsolably, there come those moments when, a hand laid in ours, we think we know "the hills whence our life flows"!

If they try to smuggle it in through some chink in the moenia mundi, these ageless walls are impregnable, or if here and there some semblance of a gate presents itself, each gate is guarded, like Eden, by science with its flaming swords. The argument of this book, then, is in the main negative.

Obscured, in some degree, by acquaintance with 'the idols of Egypt, and restricted and localised by the very national sentiment which they fostered, these conceptions were purified and widened far beyond any local, tribal, or national restrictions widened far as the flammantia moenia mundi by the historically unique genius of the Prophets.

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