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Updated: August 11, 2024

A further fact is that certain managers are alleged to think that their theatres gain in dignity by presenting Mayfair plays, and perhaps there are players who take a great joy in appearing as Lord this, or Lady that, or the Honourable somebody.

There he was riding through Queen Street, Mayfair, attired in splendid raiment: never missing the Park; actually going to places of worship in the neighbourhood; and frequenting the opera a waste of time which one would never have expected in a youth of his nurture.

De Peyster shivered frantically down beneath the bedclothes, her see-sawing hopes once more at the bottom. Mary leaned limply back in the shadow and hid her face. "He tried to question me and he made me bring him " Matilda was chattering. "May I inquire what it is you wish, Mr. Mayfair?" requested Mr. Pyecroft and Matilda fled. "You may," rapidly said the undeceivable Mr. Mayfair. Mr.

"You have nothing more to say?" "Nothing! Only I wish to God I'd never stepped into that Mayfair agency. I wish I'd never gone to Mrs. Hilditch's as a temporary butler. I wish I'd never seen any one of you! That's all. You can go to Hell which way you like, only, if you take my advice, you'll go by the way of South America. The scaffold isn't every man's fancy."

Eating his breakfast cheerfully in his luxurious chambers in Mayfair, in the act of pouring his coffee out of his handsome silver coffee-pot, he paused. It was the very slightest thing that held his attention the noise of the rumbling of the traffic down Piccadilly but he was startled and, on that morning, he left his breakfast unfinished.

The English, on the other hand, live according to the same system in Devonshire and in Mayfair with the difference, perhaps, that in Devonshire, where they have people "staying" with them, the system is rather more rigidly applied. The picnicking, if picnicking there is to be, is done in town.

By the time I have to give up this house I shall just have got a little country school. 'But, said her mother, aghast, 'why not write more poems and sell 'em? 'Why not be a governess as you were? said her father. 'Why not go on with your tales at Mayfair Hall? said Gwendoline. 'I'll answer as well as I can.

Let me show you that airy stretch of sham antiquity, and defy you to say that it symbolises, how remotely soever, the spirit of its time. Mount Street is typical of the new Mayfair. And the new Mayfair is typical of the new London. In the height of these new houses, in the width of these new roads, future students will find, doubtless, something characteristic of this pressing and bustling age.

The hawks found his I. O. U.'s were unredeemed, and his gorgeous establishment in Mayfair was closed. By some influence Carey succeeded in getting an appointment as a clerk in the Stamp and Sealing Wax Office, while his wife went on in her career as a "beauty."

Half an hour later Kennedy and I sauntered into the Prince Henry, where Carton had made the appointment in order to avoid suspicion that might arise if he were seen with Haddon at the Mayfair. The two men were waiting for us Haddon, by contrast with Carton, a weak-faced, nervous man, with bulgy eyes. "Mr.

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