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And when the secretary had vanished the Rajah made his explanations to all and sundry. "I've been obliged in a manneh to change ouh itinerary. Anotheh company is trying to fault us up in Qua'tz Creek Canyon, and I am in a meashuh compelled to be on the ground.

"Certainly," said Richling, with evident disappointment. "Well, it's juz a poss'bil'ty that you'll wefwain fum spillin' out fum yeh till the negs cawneh. Thass the manneh of those who ah not acquainted with the pee-ogue. 'Lost to sight, to memo'y deah' if you'll egscuse the maxim. Thass Chawles Dickens mague use of that egspwession." Richling answered with a gay shake of the head.

"Now, Euonymus, I judge by your being out here in the woods this time of day, idle, that you're both free, you and your sister, h'm?" "Ro' Robelia an' me? Eh, ye' yass'm, as you may say, in a manneh, yass'm." "She is your sister, is she not?" "Yass'm," clapped in Robelia, with a happy grin, and Euonymus quietly added: "Us full sisteh an' brotheh in a manneh." "Umh'm.

What his object is makes no manneh of diffe'ence to me, suh; no manneh of diffe'ence, whateveh," was all an anxious promoter could get out of the old autocrat of Deer Trace. But Mr. Farley did not desist; neither did he fail to keep the telegraph wires to New York heated to incandescence with his appeals for a renewal of the negotiations for surrender.

"I tell you 'ow 'tis with me, Mistoo Itchlin, I've p'oject that manneh myseff; in weading a book w'en I see a beaucheouz idee, I juz take a pencil" he drew one from his pocket "check! I check it. So w'en I wead the same book again, then I take notiz I've check that idee and I look to see what I check it faw. 'Ow you like that invention, eh?"

But bein' the talk' o' the town that you an' this young gen'leman" dipping low to Fair "is projeckin' said depopulation I has cawdially engross ow meaju' in writin' faw yo' conjint an' confidential consideration. Yass, seh, aw in default whereof then to compote it in like manneh to the nex' mos' interested." "And, pray, who is the next most interested in my private property?"

Another gleam of alarm and then a fine, awesome courage. Robelia stared in panic. "The nearest white mud marl in the State, Robelia, is forty miles south of here." "Is d' dat so, mist'ess?" "Yes, and so you also are travellers, Euonymus." "Trav' y' yass'm, I I reckon you mought call us trav'luz, in a manneh, yass'm." "Well, my next town is thirty miles north of " "Nawth!"