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Updated: August 2, 2024

And at that instant of time, a message was delivered from the Senate, which suspended the proceedings of the House for a few minutes. Immediately after the messenger from the Senate had retired, Maj. Anthony rose from his seat, and said he wished to explain, that he did not intend to insult the Speaker or the House; when Wilson, interrupting, peremptorily ordered him to take his seat. Maj.

All officers concerned will rigidly enforce fire discipline, and will caution their men to fire only when they can be see the enemy. "By command of Maj.-Gen. Shafter. "E. J. McClernand, "A. A. G."

During the period of its power the extraordinary commission for the suppression of the counter revolution, which was the instrument of the terror, executed about 1,500 persons in Petrograd, 500 in Moscow, and 3,000 in the remainder of the country 5,000 in all Russia. These figures agree with those which were brought back from Russia by Maj.

The captain of the Olympia, Gridley, condemned by medical survey. Is ordered home. Leaves by Occidental and Oriental steamship from Hongkong the twenty-eighth. Commander Lamberton appointed commander of the Olympia.” May 29. Maj.-Gen. Wesley Merritt issued an order formally announcing that he had taken command of the Philippine forces and expeditions. May 31.

An other shot followed after an interval, and then a third and fourth. "They're firing a National salute at Division Headquarters in honor of the Fourth of July," explained the Orderly-Sergeant. Everybody jumped to his feet and cheered Cheered for the Fourth of July; Cheered for the United States of America; Cheered for President Abraham Lincoln; Cheered for Maj.-Gen. Wm. S. Rosecrans.

They never accepted Maj. Johnson's advice returned to their company streets and were allowed to keep their guns. The Ordnance Officer was ordered to take all ammunition to the camp of the Thirty-first Michigan and place it in the guard-house. The men had the freedom and pass privilege to and from the city.

The expeditionary force was in supreme command of Field Marshal Sir John D. P. French, a veteran officer of high military repute, with Maj.-Gen. Sir A. Murray as chief of staff. Other noted officers were Lieut.-Gen. Sir Douglas Haig, commander of the First Corps; Lieut.-Gen. Sir James Grierson, commander of the Second Corps; Maj.-Gen. W. P. Pulteney, commander of the Third Corps, and Maj.-Gen.

E. R. Stettinius of the J. P. Morgan firm and a Republican was made special assistant to the Secretary of War and placed in charge of supplies, a duty that he had been discharging for the Allies. Maj. Gen. George W. Goethals, after his unfortunate experience in shipbuilding, was given a second chance and put in the War Department as an assistant Chief of staff. The Chief of Staff himself, Gen.

"I am not in the habit of talking I think I have been thinking all day Keokuk has spoken: am glad to see my brothers: I will shake hands with them. I am done." The chiefs all arose, a general shaking of hands, followed by an interchange of civilities, ensued, and the council finally adjourned. In the evening, Maj.

On the evening of February 1st, with several others of Co. D, I walked down to the adjutant's tent, and "went in" for three years more. I think that no better account of this re-enlistment business can now be given by me than by here inserting a letter I wrote on December 22nd, 1894, as a slight tribute to the memory of our acting regimental commander in February, 1864, Maj. Daniel Grass.

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