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If," said my father, soliloquizing, "I had been as syllogistic as those scaly logicians, I should never have swallowed that hook which Hum! there least said soonest mended. But, Mr. Bolt, to return to the Cyprinidae." "What's the hard name you call them 'ere carp, yer honor?" asked Bolt. "Cyprinidae, a family of the section Malacoptergii Abdominales," replied Mr.

In other words, that there is a difference of kind, and not merely of degree, between a stone and a sparrow. Hence the schools of thought called vitalistic and mechanistic. To most persons it has up to now seemed impossible that there could be a third school; we appeared to be confronted with what the logicians call a Dichotomy.

Oh those hates and passions! They are the dialectical balls with which Mr. Brown goes through his performance in that circle of petitio principii so hated by all logicians, the middle sphere of intellects too light for the solid earth of fact and too gross for the aerial heaven of imagination. It will be a fitting conclusion to present to Mr. Brown a very serious matter which he has overlooked.

Will you remember to tell Zeus all this? and you may add that I cannot remain at my post unless he will pulverize the physicists, muzzle the logicians, raze the Porch, burn the Academy, and put an end to strolling in the Lyceum. That might secure me a little peace from these daily mensurations. 'I will remember, said I, and resumed my upward flight to Heaven, through

So the force of reason takes up the passions irrationally moved, and reducing them to measure, constitutes a mean betwixt too much and too little. For he seems to make no other parts of speech but them. But Homer in a playful humor has comprehended them all in one verse: This consists of a noun and verb, which logicians call the subject and predicate.

This theory, on the face of it, is absurd and puerile because it cannot be. There cannot be good without evil, or evil without good. To live in a world where there is all good and no evil, is what Sanskrit logicians call a 'dream in the air." It is not necessary to argue here that there is no such thing as positive evil. St.

The elusive, Protean character of the inter-penetrating realities behind them will be lost to view. The most signal defect of monophysite method is its unquestioning submission to the Aristotelian law of contradiction. The intellectual training that makes men acute logicians disqualifies them for dealing with the living subject.

The distinction between nominal and real definitions, between definitions of words and what are called definitions of things, though conformable to the ideas of most of the Aristotelian logicians, can not, as it appears to us, be maintained.

The second kind of imperfect definition, therefore, in which the name of a class is defined by any of its accidents,—that is, by attributes which are not included in its connotation,—has been rejected from the rank of genuine Definition by all logicians, and has been termed Description.

This fact, or phenomenon, is what the Aristotelian logicians called the fundamentum relationis. Thus in the relation of greater and less between two magnitudes, the fundamentum relationis is the fact that one of the two magnitudes could, under certain conditions, be included in, without entirely filling, the space occupied by the other magnitude.