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It may be presented by a special lecture that is independent of all regular courses of study. Special booklets may be put into the hands of young people. Sex-hygiene as a natural part of a series of lessons in general hygiene is most satisfactory when preceded by biological nature-study or high-school biology in which life-histories of organisms have been studied for the sake of attitude.

There are others, however, which are more readily observed, whilst their life-histories afford just as clear an insight into the effect produced by the new disposition upon the developing situation; and among these the Lapwing takes a prominent position, because it is plentiful and inhabits open ground where it is easily kept in view.

They probably feel the slightest vibration in the earth or air, unless they have a sixth sense of which we know nothing. All their work, the building and repairing of their nests, as well as all their hunting, is done by night. This habit, in connection with their extreme shyness, makes the task of getting at their life-histories a difficult one.

We have only to glance at the life-histories of divergent forms to see that the territory has been gradually adjusted to suit their respective needs limited in size here, expanded there, to meet new conditions as they arose.

In consequence, in treating of the life-histories of the very interesting big game, we have been largely forced to rely either on native report, in which acutely accurate observation is invariably mixed with wild fable, or else on the chance remarks of travellers or mere sportsmen, who had not the training to make them understand even what it was desirable to observe.

I averaged the result in each fifty, and then took the average of the total of 200, and the mean value of the width of the flagellum was the 1/204,700 of an English inch. It will be seen, then, that we are possessed of instruments which, when competently used, will enable us to study the life-histories of the putrefactive organisms, although they are the minutest forms of life.

The region offers extraordinary opportunities for the study of the life-histories of birds which, because of their size, their beauty, or their habits, are of exceptional interest. All kinds of problems would be worked out.

Perhaps it is best regarded simply as a chapter in the strange life-histories of men of genius. To the student of feminine psychology there is no more curious and complex problem than the one that meets us in the life of the gifted French writer best known to the world as George Sand. To analyze this woman simply as a writer would in itself be a long, difficult task.

About a dozen individual and more or less finished personages contribute their life-histories to the book, yet each of these lives has some bearing upon that of the heroine, Nora St. John, and notwithstanding these intricacies the plot never becomes confused. It has been too firmly grasped by the author's mind to be a puzzle to the reader's.

I kept continually wishing that they had more time in which to study the absorbingly interesting life-histories of the beautiful and wonderful beasts and birds we were all the time seeing.