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From that period till the cavalry actually marched in consequence of an order from lord George, the length of time was differently estimated in the opinion of different witnesses, but at a medium computed by the judge-advocate at fifteen minutes, during which the following circumstances were transacted: The troops were first ordered to advance forwards, then halted; the contradictory orders arrived and were disputed; the commander desired the two aidsdecamp to agree about which was the precise order, and he would obey it immediately: each insisting upon that which he had delivered, lord George hastened to the general for an explanation; and, as he passed the wood, sent back captain Smith to the right of the cavalry, which was at a considerable distance, to put the British horse in motion.

"The Judge-Advocate reminded the General that such remarks were not proper in the presence of the Court. "'Yes, said the General, 'I spoke before I thought; but the impropriety of the remark does not change my opinion.

In a twinkling the judge-advocate was again on his feet, a copy of the charge and specifications in his hand. Facing the president of the court, standing rigidly at attention, his face expressionless, his bearing every whit that of the soldier, Cadet Richard Prescott listened to the reading of the accusation of dishonor.

During this ceremony, the judge-Advocate hastily read the decree, dated the 18th of August, 1639, declaring Urbain Grandier duly attainted and convicted of the crime of sorcery, witchcraft, and possession, in the persons of sundry Ursuline nuns of Loudun, and others, laymen, etc.

Unfortunately his pigeons are usually posted as "missing," and go to some bourne from which no pigeon has ever been known to return. Ponsonby glances suspiciously at Slingsby's portly figure. But the Judge-Advocate had stolen away to study a dossier of "proceedings," and his departure was the signal for a general dispersion. "Come and have a drink," said Ponsonby to the "I" man.

It is the theory of the system that the judge-advocate will be an impartial adviser of the court and that he will protect the accused against any irregular proceeding and especially protect him against the admission of any testimony that would be excluded in an ordinary court of law.

Elmendorf, I believe, the only one; and you had him come to your office and you questioned him there, did you not?" "I did, yes, but the impression passed away almost immediately. The man wasn't worthy of confidence." "When you hear his story you may think otherwise," said Elmendorf, with a contemptuous sneer. "I have heard," said the judge-advocate; "but we'll hear it again.

Even Billings turned to at Stannard's urging, and wrote personally to Ray and to the officer who was named as judge-advocate of the court, and everybody felt glad to be rid of Gleason as he rode homeward in gloomy silence.

Dress Coats versus Blouses Military Law Bill the Cook Courts-Martial Important Decision in Military Law 'A Man with Two Blouses on' can be compelled to put a Dress Coat on top A Colored French Cook and a Beefy-browed Judge-Advocate The Mud March No Pigeon-holing on a Whiskey Scent Old Joe in Command Dissolution of Partnership between the Dutch Doctor and Chaplain. Necessity knows no law.

The court-martial was held by virtue of a warrant from His Royal Highness Prince William Frederick of Gloucester, the General commanding the district. The president was Colonel Bolton; the judge-advocate, Fletcher Raincock, Esq., barrister-at-law. Something was said of a private nature by Colonel Earle to the Adjutant Carmichael, who, instead of replying, took no notice of the observation.