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Monsieur Claes's hands will be tied for the future; your property becomes inalienable, and he can no longer borrow on his own estates because they will be held as security for other sums. Moreover, the whole can be done quietly, without scandal or legal proceedings.

Any effectual corrective would break the framework of democratic law and order, since it would have to traverse the inalienable right of men who are born free and equal, each freely to deal or not to deal in any pecuniary conjuncture that arises.

They defined with tolerable distinctness in what respects they did consider all men created equal equal with "certain inalienable rights, among which, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This they said, and this they meant.

For I have built an impregnable citadel whence, if only I am true to myself, I can repel assaults from the four quarters of heaven. Who shall console one lifted above the range of grief, whom neither privation nor insolence can annoy? for he has peace as an inalienable possession, and by no earthly tyranny shall be perturbed.

Perhaps the look in his face doubly wild of a Celt and of a genius had tamed a little. But in its place had come a question: undoubtedly he had gained in spiritual dignity and in humorous quality. Ralph Addington followed Pete. And Ralph also had changed. True, he retained his inalienable air of elegance, an elegance a little too sartorial.

Her girlhood was a pleasanter theme and its environment had been that of his own world full of the gaiety and sunshine that is girlhood's inalienable right. All these scraps of personal history filtered into their conversation; rather as incidentals than as direct information. This young woman was not of the type that gratuitously relates a life-story.

"But how can I, in disgrace with my father, and divested of all control over his affairs, prevent this danger by my mere presence in London?" "That presence alone will do much. Your claim to interfere is a part of your birthright, and it is inalienable. You will have the countenance, doubtless, of your father's head-clerk, and confidential friends and partners.

But the house in which one drew his first breath, and where he one day came into the consciousness that he was a personality, an ego, a little universe with a sky over him all his own, with a persistent identity, with the terrible responsibility of a separate, independent, inalienable existence, that house does not ask for any historical associations to make it the centre of the earth for him.

In 1654 the Emperor Ferdinand had promised, both for himself and his successors, that this constitution should be held inviolate; that all foreign troops should be withdrawn from Hungary, while no Hungarians should be called upon to fight elsewhere than on their native soil; that the crown lands were to be inalienable; all offices bestowed upon native-born Hungarians; Protestants secured in the exercise of their religion; and no war undertaken, nor treaty concluded, with any foreign power, without the consent of the Hungarian Diet.

The people of this country in the very instrument by which they first announced their independent political existence, and first asserted their right to establish governments of their own declared that the natural and inalienable right of all men to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, was a "self-evident truth."