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But the Germans and Swiss, more gross and heavy, had not the sense to look about them, even when the blows were falling about their ears. "Haud ignarus . . . . quantum nova gloria in armis, Et praedulce decus, primo certamine possit."

Reilly, I couldn't make use of any other gender but the feminine without violating prosody; for although I'm not so sharp at my Latin as I was, still I couldn't use ignarus, as you see, without fairly committing myself as a scholar; and indeed, if I went to that, it would surely be the first time I have been mistaken for a dunce."

He is non ignarus mali: he has had his full allotment of anxiety and care; and he hails with you the prospect of a day when human nature shall cast off its load of death, and when sinful and sorrowful man shall be brought into a beautiful conformity to external nature. Would that Man were worthy of his Dwelling-place as it looks upon this summer-like day!

All this seemed as simple as a sum in arithmetic, and Victor Alexandr'itch, more scholarum rei familiaris ignarus, without a moment's hesitation expended his ready money in procuring from England a threshing-machine, ploughs, harrows, and other implements of the newest model. The arrival of these was an event that was long remembered.

Horace, in the following lines, passes a just tribute to the worth of this animal, when referring to his watchfulness, and the ardour with which he pursues those wild animals, even 'per altas nives, that threaten the flocks entrusted to his care. "Quid immerentes, hospites vexas canis, Ignarus adversum lupos? Quin huc inanes, si potes, vertis minas, Et me remorsurum petis?

Tressilian mustered his learning to reply, "LINGUAE LATINAE HAUD PENITUS IGNARUS, VENIA TUA, DOMINE ERUDITISSIME, VERNACULAM LIBENTIUS LOQUOR." The Latin reply had upon the schoolmaster the effect which the mason's sign is said to produce on the brethren of the trowel.

'Non ignara mail, miseris succurrere disco, sayeth Dido, and I might say in my own person, non ignarus; but to change the gender would affect the prosody, whereof our southern subjects are tenacious. So, my Lord of Huntinglen, I trust you have acted by our advice, and studied patience before ye need it venienti occurrite morbo mix the medicament when the disease is coming on."

Like the Carthaginian Queen of whom we read in happier days at dear old Borhambury, I may say that I am haud ignarus mali. But, alas! the very evils in which I am not unlearned, make it impossible for me to add miseris succurrere disco! Rather am I myself in need of succour. You, my dear Harold, have fallen among thieves; I may too truly add that in this I am your neighbour.

'FAUSTUS "Tu quoque, ut hîc video, non es ignarus amorum." 'FORTUNATUS "Id commune malum; semel insanivimus omnes." Baptistae Mantuani Carmelitae Adolescentia, seu Bucolica. Ecloga I, published in 1498. See ante, i. 368. See ante, i. 396.