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Updated: August 6, 2024

A relic of the Indian Chapel of Saint Jean Baptiste. Malecitae Missionis Procurator Ioanne Loyard Societatis Iesu Sacerdote. The translation reads: "To God, most excellent, most high, in honor of Saint John Baptist, the Maliseets erected this church A. D. 1717, while Jean Loyard, a priest of the Society of Jesus, was superintendent of the mission."

Etiam in hac atrij parte apparent adhuc vestigia portae speciosae, vbi Petrus Apostolus, cum Euangelista Ioanne dixit contracto, In nomine Christi Iesu Nazareni surge, et statim consolidabantur illi plantae. De pluribus locis sacris iuxta vrbem. Habetur et ante Ecclesiam arbor grandis, et antiqua, de qua nonnulli fabulantur, quod ad beatae Mariae natiuitatem principium accepit, et ortum.

Et addit, Iudaeos falsissime vsque hodie nos Christianos suo mendacio decipere, quo dicunt se Iesu crucifixisse quem non tetegerunt. Hinc errorem tenent Sarraceni obstinati: et quoddam argumentum inire conantur.

Item a Nazareth ad leucae dimidum, monstrantur in rupe vestigia pedum, quae dicuntur esse Domini nostri Iesu Christi vbi de manibus Iudaeorum, ipsum de alta rupe praecipitare volentium desiluit in istam. De quo saltu quidam intelligunt illud scriptum Euangelicum, Iesus autem transiens per medium illorum ibat.

There was no one in sight, no sound but the failing cry from the tired old saint. Hilarius doffed his cap again and his fresh young voice rose clear and sweet through the thin still air: "Iesu, dulcis memoria, Dans vera cordis gaudia; Sed super mel et omnia Dulcis ejus praesentia."

In the New Building is the mutilated monument to Sir Humfrey Orme: no names or dates remain; at the top are the words Sanguis Iesu Christi purgat nos ab omnibus Peccatis nostris. Near this is an elaborate erection to Thomas Deacon, 1721, a great benefactor to the town.

"Mewn gardd y cafodd dyn ei dwyllo; Mewn gardd y rhoed oddewid iddo; Mewn gardd bradychwyd Iesu hawddgar; Mewn gardd amdowyd ef mewn daear." "In a garden the first of our race was deceived; In a garden the promise of grace he received; In a garden was Jesus betrayed to His doom; In a garden His body was laid in the tomb."

Christe Iesu, the eternalle and verie sonne of thalmightie father, the seconde persone in the holie inseparable, equalle, and euerlastyng Trinitie: Of a sette purpose, and spiritualle secrete, not reuealed from the beginning of tyme, and aboue mannes capacitie: was by the meane of the holy ghost, conceiued and borne manne.

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