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Although an idealist by nature, many of the race have proved themselves good business men. But under the reservation system they have developed traits that are absolutely opposed to the racial type. They become time-serving, beggarly, and apathetic. Some of their finest characters, such as Chief Joseph, have really died of a broken heart.

"I've just been reading a magazine article about him. Is he really a remarkable man?" "I don't think you would call him remarkable. He gets things done, in spite of being an idealist." "Why, in spite of it?" "Aren't reformers usually unpractical?" "Are they? I don't know. I have never met one." She looked straight at Farnum with the directness characteristic of her.

He renders not the object itself but his mental image of it; and that image is the result of his way of seeing and feeling, his habit of mind, his interest, and his store of memories. The idealist must base his work upon some kind of reality, or it is a monstrosity; he is obliged to refer to the external world for his symbols.

"My humble effort, Doctor how do you like it?" The doctor bent over the canvas. "I know nothing about art," he said, a little roughly. "Your work seems to me clever a little grotesque, perhaps; a little straining after the hard, plain things which threaten. Nothing of the idealist in your work, Mr. Fentolin." Mr. Fentolin studied the canvas himself for a moment.

There was need of liberalizing and loosening things in Missouri, for which he sat in the Senate they could not go on forever half the best elements in the State disfranchised. Thus the Liberal Movement of 1872. Schurz went to Cincinnati elate with hope. He was an idealist not quite yet a philosopher. He had his friends about him.

In spite of his idealist absorption in his work, his political aims, and the one love of his life, he had the training of a man of the world, and could summon the shrewdness of one when he pleased. He had liked this young Tressady, for the first time, at Castle Luton, and had seen him fall under Marcella's charm with some amusement.

He was filled with pity and reverence for him. Perhaps he exaggerated. But Sypher was an idealist. Had he not set Sypher's Cure as the sun in his heaven and Zora as one of the fixed stars? It grew dark. Sypher rang for the lamp and tea. "Or would you like breakfast?" he asked laughingly. "I've just had supper," said Septimus. "Wiggleswick found some cheese in a cupboard.

The satisfaction that is taken in the common man is not in what he is at the present moment, but in what he has shown himself capable of becoming. Give him a chance and all the graces may be his. The American idealist admits that many of his fellow citizens may be rather dreary brethren, but so were many of the kings of whom nothing is remembered but their names and dates.

An idealist may say to a capitalist, 'Don't you sometimes feel in the rich twilight, when the lights twinkle from the distant hamlet in the hills, that all humanity is a holy family? But it is equally possible for the capitalist to reply with brevity and decision, 'No, I don't, and there is no more disputing about it further than about the beauty of a fading cloud.

In one aspect they stand for the most savage practicality; in another aspect they are dreamers of an almost fabulous other-worldiness. My own belief is that the essential Jew is the idealist that his occasional flashing of hyena teeth is no more than a necessary concession to the harsh demands of the struggle for existence. Perhaps, in many cases, it is due to an actual corruption of blood.