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But when the doctor, in admiration at a simplicity which contrasted so evident an intelligence, finally asked him his name and connections, and Leonard told them, the homoeopathist actually started. "Leonard Fairfield, grandson of my old friend, John Avenel of Lansmere! I must shake you by the hand. Brought up by Mrs. Fairfield! "Ah, now I look, strong family likeness, very strong"

We belong to two diametrically opposite schools theories of medicine. It would be impracticable impossible for us to consult. We could find no common ground. Have you never heard that the ah regular practice cannot meet homoeopathists in this way? If you had told me if I had known you were a homoeopathist, I could n't have considered the matter at all.

The ultra Homoeopathist will either recant and try to rejoin the medical profession; or he will embrace some newer and if possible equally extravagant doctrine; or he will stick to his colors and go down with his sinking doctrine. Very few will pursue the course last mentioned.

"Life in the old dog yet, eh? But go in and see Lane. He's in the billiard-room, thinking over his sins and getting low-spirited." "And I shall be a change?" "I don't know about that. Perhaps he's a homoeopathist." "I hate you!" said Claudia, with a very kind glance, as she pursued her way in the direction indicated. "She means no harm," said Morewood. "But she may do the devil of a lot.

"Coming; tears, caustic," repeated the homoeopathist, pulling out his handkerchief and his phial-book together as he got into the coach; and he hastily swallowed his antilachrymal. Richard Avenel was in a state of great nervous excitement. He proposed to give an entertainment of a kind wholly new to the experience of Screwstown. Mrs.

As a psychological study this has always interested me, just as one is interested in the attitude of mind exhibited by the Old School physician towards the Homoeopathist with whom he graduated at the Harvard Medical School.

A light of humorous irony glimmered in Dr. Mulbridge's eye. "I must submit to your condemnation." "Oh, it isn't a personal condemnation!" she retorted. "I have no doubt that personally you are not responsible. We can lay aside our distinctions as allopathist and homoeopathist, and you can advise with me" "It's quite impossible," said Dr. Mulbridge.

Morgan grinned maliciously, and produced a globule the size of a small pin's head. Dr. Dosewell recoiled in disgust. "Oh!" said he, very coldly, and assuming at once an air of superb superiority, "I see, a homoeopathist, sir!" "A homoeopathist." "Um!" "Um!" "A strange system, Dr. Morgan," said Dr.

Hahnemann goes so far as to say that no one has ever seen the simple efforts of nature effect the durable recovery of a patient from a chronic disease. In general, the Homoeopathist calls every recovery which happens under his treatment a cure. Every medicinal substance must be administered in a state of the most perfect purity, and uncombined with any other.

"Certainly, pulsatilla!" muttered the homoeopathist, and ensconcing himself in his own corner, he also sought to sleep. But after vain efforts, accompanied by restless gestures and movements, he suddenly started up, and again extracted his phial-book. "What the deuce are they to me?" he muttered. "Morbid sensibility of character coffee? No! accompanied by vivacity and violence nux!"