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Popular Buddhism's appeal to magic was not only winked at by philosophical Buddhism, but it was encouraged. Magic was justified by religious philosophy, and many a "hoben," "pious device," for saving the ignorant was invented by the priesthood.

"Ssh-h-h, dearie talk English, like Selene wants. Wait till we get on the ship the beautiful ship to take us back. Mamma, see out the window! Look! That's the beautiful Forest Park, and this is the fine Hotel Walsingham just across see out Selene is going to have a flat on " "Sey hoben gestorben far Freiheit. Sey hoben " "There, that's the papers!"

George Hodges, Training of Children in Religion, chap. xiv. Appleton, $1.50. II. Further Reading A. Hoben, The Minister and the Boy. The University of Chicago Press, $1.00. E.C. Foster, The Boy and the Church. Sunday School Times Co., $0.75. G.A. Coe, Education in Religion and Morals, Part II. Revell, $1.35. III. Topics for Discussion What are the special common interests of church and family?

In the cities, which now overshadow our national life, there are no longer homes; there are flats, where the boys and girls are tolerated perhaps. "Our problem is not the bad boy, but rather the modern city," says Prof. Allen Hoben. "The normal boy has come honestly by his love of adventure, his motor propensities and his gang instincts.

On the religious life of the boy in relation to society and the church see Allan Hoben, The Minister and the Boy, and the author's treatment of boys and the Sunday school in Efficiency in the Sunday School, chap. xiv; also J. Alexander et al., Training the Boy, a symposium. On the attitude of reverence in this question read Dr. Cabot's fine essay, The Christian Approach to Social Morality.

Thus did the citizens spend the greater number of the pleasant summer evenings in the indebtedness of their military friends. The band-master stood high in the esteem of all ranks and classes. Mr. Hoben had indeed succeeded in filling the position occupied by his predecessor in relation with the Philharmonic Society, sparing no pains in the instruction of every member.

She sat down at the table, opened the book, and turned the leaves. "Oh well, I daresay I can, if you wish it, and an opportunity occurs if you're with me some day when I meet her. Now shall we go on with the JUNGFRAU? We were beginning the third act, I think. Here it is: Wir waren Herzensbruder, Waffenfreunde, Fur eine Sache hoben wir den Arm!"

As for doctrine, philosophic Buddhism with its dogmas of salvation through intellectual enlightenment, by means of self-perfecting, with its goal of absorption into Nirvana, has doubtless been the belief and aim of the few. But such Buddhism was too deep for the multitudes. "By the aid of hoben, or pious devices, the priesthood has played into the hands of popular superstition.

"'Shh-h-h, dearie!" "Aylorff der klenste Kranz far ihm!" "'Shh-h-h, dearie! Talk English, like Selene wants. Wait till we get on the ship the beautiful ship to take us back. Mama, see out the window! Look! That's the beautiful Forest Park, and this is the fine Hotel Walsingham just across. See out! Selene is going to have a flat on " "Sey hoben gestorben far Freiheit. Sey hoben " "There!