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It is possible to purify commercial potassium bichromate by recrystallization from hot water. It must then be dried and cautiously heated to fusion to expel the last traces of moisture, but not sufficiently high to expel any oxygen. The pure salt thus prepared, may be weighed out directly, dissolved, and the solution diluted in a graduated flask to a definite volume.

Glancing at instincts, marvellous as some are, they offer no greater difficulty than does corporeal structure on the theory of the natural selection of successive, slight, but profitable modifications. We can thus understand why nature moves by graduated steps in endowing different animals of the same class with their several instincts.

This latter is likewise utilized for causing the oil to flow into the vaporizer through 26 and 27, instead of using a graduated cock that receives a variable pressure from the receiver. In this way every cause of obstruction is avoided. We have stated that the regulator, C, serves to automatically regulate the flow of the liquids proportionally to the consumption of the gases produced.

"Senior, then." Mary shook her head again. "I didn't think you looked old enough for that," said Miss Butts. "Then I was mistaken and you're a sophomore." "No," said Mary firmly. Miss Butts stared. "Freshman?" "No," said Mary, who considered the befooling of Miss Butts beneath her. "I graduated last year." "Oh, I don't believe that: I believe you're a freshman after all," declared Miss Butts.

"Nobody would call you bad. You are a lovable man when you keep straight," Burgess declared cordially. "I graduated from the university back in the sixties," Bond went on. "You!" Burgess exclaimed. "Yes, I'm one of your alumni brothers from Harvard.

One was in New York and the other, was a Russian experimental fasting program for schizophrenics. Doctors Hoffer and Osmond had used orthomolecular therapy in a Canadian mental hospital as early as 1950, but they had both gone on to other things. The newly graduated Dr.

For the vast number of the badly housed the building of better houses was one of the first and greatest tasks of the nation. As to the habitable houses, they were all assessed at a graduated rental according to size and desirability, which their former occupants, if they desired to keep them, were expected to pay out of their new incomes as citizens.

This social inertia, of which political history is the sorry record, is of course least perceptible, and most effective, when the region of transition is graduated gently; and we have already seen that this is conspicuously so around the parkland margin of the northern grassland, where it faces on peninsular Europe. Let us follow this clue in detail.

She was graduated from the Pratt Institute Library School, taking the two-year course, 1904-1906. She was an assistant in the Pratt Institute Free Library from 1906 to 1908. In 1908 she was made assistant in charge of story-telling and library reading-clubs in the New York Public Library.

At the nicely graduated sound of Magua's voice, however, he betrayed some evidence of consciousness, and once or twice he even raised his head, as if to listen.