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Anchora lue è dotato di bone parte. Despatch of March 19, 1493. Mai visto il più carnale homo; l'hama questa madona Lucrezia in superlativo gradu. Boccaccio's Despatch, Rome, April 4, 1493. The word carnale is to be taken only in the sense of nepotism, as it is plainly so used elsewhere by the ambassador.

Thus poetry and literature made their entrance into Rome along with the sovereignty of the world, or, to use the language of a poet of the age of Cicero: -Poenico bello secundo Musa pennato gradu Intulit se bellicosam Romuli in gentem feram.

"Multis legionibus," says Hyginus, "contigit bellum feliciter transigere, et ad laboriosam agriculturae requiem primo tyrocinii gradu pervenire. Nam cum signis et aquila et primis ordinibus et tribunis deducebantur."

Ad Imperatoris sinistram gradu vno bassior, est sedes suae primae coniugis, tota de iaspidibus auro circumfusis, et in superficie aulae distinctae gemmulae cum granellis eodem schemate, et similiter de iaspide. Sed adhuc submissior vno gradu est sedes coniugis secundae, nec non et sub illa vxoris tertiae. Nam tres proprias secum habet vxores, Odericus dicit, istas duas concubinas.

Ast erat ampla Gradu. 1525." The other picture shows us the same jolly party risen from table, and all expressing their wonder and astonishment, as Dr. Faustus is just riding out of the door on a wine-tub. Beneath it is the following inscription in German: "Dr. Faustus zu dieser Frist Aus Auerbach's Keller geritten ist, Auf einem Fass mit Wein geschwind, Welches gesehn manch Mutterkind.

Irving has not adhered to the clear and distinct exposition of the understanding, 'genere et gradu', given in the Aids to Reflection.

Thus poetry and literature made their entrance into Rome along with the sovereignty of the world, or, to use the language of a poet of the age of Cicero: -Poenico bello secundo Musa pennato gradu Intulit se bellicosam Romuli in gentem feram.

Ad dextram vero sedentis Imperatoris vno gradu submissus residet primogenitus eius filius, et sub ipso ordinate in consimilibus sedibus nobiles proximi de cognitione Imperiali.

He there implies that the young poet, with all his talent, could not keep out of poverty, a taunt which we have good reason for disbelieving as well as disapproving. Two lines on the rise of poetry at Rome deserve quotation "Poenico bello secundo Musa pinnato gradu Intulit se bellicosam Romuli in gentem feram."