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Goles gave him no thanks, but he said huskily: "I heard one of the sailors say she's a goner." With Jan holding on to Goles, the two men were swaying and stumbling to the boat's heavy rolling and heaving. "I don't know about that," said Jan; "but she's in a bad way. And it's going to be worse, I think." "That's what the sailor said," muttered Goles.

"We wants what's ourn by law; it don't matter what we expected. What's ourn by law should be ourn, and by goles we'll have it." "Law!" said Bunce, with all the scorn he knew how to command "law! Did ye ever know a poor man yet was the better for law, or for a lawyer? Will Mr Finney ever be as good to you, Job, as that man has been?

Here he lurched towards me, shoulders hunched, chin brutally out-thrust so that I shrank instinctively from him, perceiving which, he grew the more aggressive. "That will do!" said I in woefully feeble imitation of Anthony's masterful manner. "That will do and what is more " "Oh, will it do? Wot about my door?" "You may charge it in your bill " "Not me, by goles!

"Stopped? stopped, coachman? d' you mean ?" "Ah! stopped by Blue-chinned Jack o' Brockley, or Gallopin' Toby o' Tottenham, or " "Eh what! what! d' you mean there are highwaymen on this road?" "'Ighvaymen!" snorted Mottle-face, winking ponderously at Barnabas, "by Goles, I should say so, it fair bristles vith 'em."

Jan went up and looked into the saloon. There she was, still waiting. "You stay here and I will bring her out," said Jan to Goles "and don't you open your mouth when you see her." Goles made no sign. He was gripping the house railing and his face was to the sea. "Thank God for the sight of you!" she said to Jan as he came in. "Is the ship going down?" "Not yet. But your husband is outside.

Drored t' bull in wi' a bit o' chalk, first; then 'e outs wi' a couple o' brushes; dab 'e goes, an' dab, dab again, an' by Goles! theer was a pair o' eyes a-rollin' theirselves at me just a pair o' eyes, Peter. Ah! 'e were a wonder were that little old chap wi' gray whiskers!