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It was coming daylight as we sailed into still water, and then D'ri put his hands to his mouth and hailed loudly, getting an answer out of the gloom ahead. "Gol-dum ef it hain't the power uv a thousan' painters!" D'ri continued, laughing as he spoke. "Never see nothin' jump 'n' kick 'n' spit like thet air, 'less it hed fur on never 'n all my born days."

"Gol-dum ther picturs! Go 'n' try t' yank a man right off a boat like thet air when they hain' no right t' tech 'im. Ef I 'd 'a' hed Ol' Beeswax, some on 'em 'd 'a' got hurt." "How did you get here?" I inquired. "Swum," said he. "Could n't go nowheres else. Current fetched me here. Splits et the head o' the island boun' ter land ye right here.

"M' caugh wouldn't let me sleep last night. A gol-dum leetle, nasty, ticklin' caugh, too; but it kept me awake, fact was, an' well, m' wife, she said I hadn't better come. But don't you worry, sir; it won't happen again, sir; no, sir." His hands got stiffer year by year, and his simple tunes became practically a series of squeaks and squalls.

"Is thet air hired man o' yours a Britisher?" D'ri inquired as soon as the butler was gone. "He is from Liverpool," said she. "Thet's the hole 'n the fence," said he. "Thet's where the goose got away." "The goose! The geese!" said the baroness, thoughtfully. "I do not understand you." "Went 'n' blabbed, thet's whut he done," said D'ri. "Mebbe wrote 'em a letter, gol-dum his pictur'."

Ef you hed a purty comf'table hum on t'other side, 'n' few thousan' dollars 'n the bank, 'n' bosses 'n' everything fixed fer a good time, 'n' all uv a sudden ye found yerself 'n sech a gol-dum dungeon es this here, what 'u'd you dew?" The guard was fixing the wick of his candle, and made no answer. "Want ye t' think it all over," said D'ri. "See ef ye can't think o' suthin' soothin' t' say.

I remember, as they worked, D'ri calmed himself with the low-sung, familiar music of: Li too rul I oorul I oorul I ay. They had just finished when the cock crew. "Holler, ye gol-dum little cuss!" D'ri shouted as he went over to him. "Can't no snookin' wolf crack our bones fer us. Peeled 'em thet 's what we done tew 'em! Tuk 'n' knocked 'em head over heels. Judas Priest!