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"Doe' want 'ny canned peaches," said the frank Walter, moving back his chair. "G'-night." "Walter! It doesn't begin till about nine o'clock at the earliest." He paused, mystified. "What doesn't?" "The dance." "What dance?" "Why, Mildred Palmer's dance, of course." Walter laughed briefly. "What's that to me?" "Why, you haven't forgotten it's TO-NIGHT, have you?" Mrs. Adams cried. "What a boy!"

Feuerstein added the ten to the thirty and ordered more whisky. Dippel tried to doze, but he would not permit it. "He mustn't sleep any of it off," he thought. When the whisky came Dippel shook himself together and started up. "G'-night," he said, trying to stand, look and talk straight. "Don't f'rget, y'owe me ten dollarses no, two ten dollarses."

"Please go 'way and let me sleep." "Not till you've taken the little pill, dear." "Oh, GOLLY!" Groaning, he propped himself upon an elbow and allowed the pill to pass between his lips. "G'-night, Mamma." "Good-night, dearie. Sleep well." "Yes'm." After her departure Penrod drowsily enjoyed the sugar coating of the pill; but this was indeed a brief pleasure.

"Fine!" said Penrod casually. "G'-night, Sam." PENROD SCHOFIELD, having been "kept-in" for the unjust period of twenty minutes after school, emerged to a deserted street. That is, the street was deserted so far as Penrod was concerned.

Let 'em burn, then!" Thus spake the desperate Penrod; and Mrs. Schofield was able to ascertain that one heel had been placed in light contact with the bag. "No; both feet, Penrod." With a tragic shiver he obeyed. "THAT'S right, dear! Now, keep them that way. It's good for you. Good-night." "G'-night!"

So it wasn't anything the boys did." Mr. Schofield grunted. "I'll admit this much," he said. "I'll admit it wasn't anything we'll ever get out of 'em." And the remarks of Sam and Penrod, taking leave of each other, one on each side of the gate, appeared to corroborate Mr. Schofield's opinion. "Well, g'-night, Penrod," Sam said. "It was a pretty good Saturday, wasn't it?"