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Updated: August 2, 2024

Il etait si franchement revolte de certaines choses qu'il voyait chez nous, et je comprenais si mal certaines choses qui se passaient chez vous! Rien de plus interessant que ces contacts qui etaient des contrastes, et que ces rencontres d'idees qui etaient des choses; rien de si attachant que les echappees de coeur ou d'esprit auxquelles ces petits conflits donnaient a tout moment cours.

His one great crime, in the eyes of the French Republicans and Republican newspaper proprietors, was, that Girardin set up a journal, as he called it, "franchement monarchique," a journal in the pay of the monarchy, that is, and a journal that cost only forty francs by the year.

Have there, in very deed, been ages, in which the external conditions of poetry such as Rossetti's were of more spontaneous growth than in our own? The archaic side of Rossetti's work, his preferences in regard to earlier poetry, connect him with those who have certainly thought so, who fancied they could have breathed more largely in the age of Chaucer, or of Ronsard, in one of those ages, in the words of Stendhal ces siècles de passions les âmes pouvaient se livrer franchement

Keene's last visit in Dorade was to the Vicomte de Châteaumesnil. The latter manifested no surprise at the sudden departure, and expressed his regrets with a perfectly calm courtesy. But, at the moment of leave-taking, he detained the other's hand for a second or so and said, looking wistfully in his face, "Ainsi, vous partez seul? je ne l'aurais pas cru; et, je l'avoue franchement, ça me contrarie. N'importe; je connois votre jeu; et je ne vous tiens pas pour battu, quand c'est manche

Like that? She affected the supercilious gestures of Englishwomen whom she had seen in the streets and elsewhere. 'No? 'Perhaps, Henry said. 'Frenchwomen are better? Yes? Dites-moi franchement. You think? 'In some ways, Henry agreed. 'You like Frenchwomen more than those cold Englishwomen who have no chic? 'When I'm in Paris I do, said Henry. 'Ah! Comme tous les Anglais!

Je ne regrette pas de m'etre donne une nouvelle famille en France, et je me felicite des bonnes relations, si franchement cordiales, que j'ai avec mes deux beaux-freres et avec ma belle-soeur." Some time later he wrote to the same friend: Comme nous voyageons a toute heure du jour et de la nuit, nous voyons la nature sous tous les aspects imaginables.

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