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He knew The Cat would answer to the least pressure of the leg, and by way of showing off for his shoulder hurt him very much he bent the little fellow in a close figure-of-eight in and out between the goal-posts. All the natives laughed. "And now," said The Maltese Cat, as they took their place, "remember that this is the last quarter, and follow the ball!"

They are clad during the whole time in a dress composed of ropes made of alternate pumpkin-seeds and bits of reed strung together, and wound round the body in a figure-of-eight fashion. They are inured in this way to bear fatigue, and carry large pots of water under the guidance of the stern old hag.

The subject roller bandaging being a practical one, a small boy was had in, set on the platform, and bandaged in sight of the audience plain bandaged, reverse bandaged, figure-of-eight bandaged, bandaged on forefinger, thumb, hand, wrist and forearm, elbow, shoulder, knee, ankle, foot. He declares that he enjoyed himself thoroughly.

A mild sprain is a very trifling affair, but a severe one is exceedingly painful and very slow in healing. The best home treatment for sprains is to hold the injured joint under a stream of cold water for ten or fifteen minutes and then to bandage it firmly and thoroughly, but gently, with a long "figure-of-eight" bandage, wound many times, and to keep this moist with an alcohol lotion.

Then undulation crept into it, till the top-end followed the outline of a double loop like a figure-of-eight. The snake had chained them this long. Skag recovered with an inward revulsion that rent him. He plunged down the path, his faculties surging thought, feeling, realisation, volition tearing him. He met Dhanah carrying an utterly limp girl in his arms the boy's face gone grey.

One glimpse of her work on that thumb showed her to be betrayingly ignorant of both figure-of-eight and spica bandaging, and Blake, finally satisfied as to the imposture, carried on his investigation, showed "Doctor Callahan" to be Connie Binhart, the con-man and bank thief, and sent the two adventurers scurrying away to shelter.

And now the absurd figure-of-eight nine-hole course, the third hole of which was also the seventh, and the first the ninth, had been complicated into a war kitchen-garden, and James, bored with ordinary difficulties and discomforts, had evolved the new golf. "Come on," said he, burning with the zeal of a martyr-burner, "I'll show you the ground." "Can't I see it by standing up in the hammock?"

Pernier at Gortyna, where a big Northerner with round shield and greaves threatens a tiny Minoan or Mycenæan, crouching behind his figure-of-eight shield.