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Moose-killer was then called on to the witnesses' stand, when, for the first time, Gaut exhibited evident feigns of uneasiness, and whispered something in the ear of his counsel, who thereupon rose and went into a labored argument against the admissibility of the evidence of an Indian, who was a pagan, and knew nothing about the God whose invocation constituted the sacred effect of the oath he had taken.

I. And how old are you, Caterina? She. Eighteen, little sir. I. And you are betrothed? She feigns not to understand; but the patriarch, who has dropped behind to listen to our discourse, explains, "He asks if you are in love." She. Ah, no! little sir, not yet. I. No? A little late, it seems to me. I think there must be some good-looking youngster who pleases you no? She.

Omer's, you know, as a student; and was expelled for an unspeakable crime, as he was expelled from our other college at Valladolid also, for the same cause: so he knows a good deal of our ways. He feigns, too, to be a Doctor of Divinity in Salamanca University; but that is another of his lies, as I know for a truth.

"Formerly he felt real reproaches only in so far as he was a coward; now, when he is convinced that the earth is under his feet as before, and that no god is taking vengeance, he feigns them only to move people by his fate.

Asbinan goes to the girl's home and feigns sickness. Is cared for by the girl, who becomes infatuated with him and accepts his suit. His parents pay jars and gold in the shape of deer for her. Asbinan refuses to eat until his father secures fish roe. He then demands Chinese dishes from the coast town of Vigan.

And being gone, said I, 'Master, of those twain I know not which is the more pitiable. And he laughed in my face, 'Behold thy justice, Bon Bec, said he. 'Thou railest on thy poor, good, within an ace of honest master, and bestowest alms on a "vopper." 'Vopper, said I, 'what is a vopper? 'why, a trull that feigns madness. That was one of us, that sham maniac, and wow but she did it clumsily.

In consequence, however, of an oracle he feigns indifference towards her, and though heart-sick when alone, meets her with mockery when she pleads her love. Meanwhile Perindus' sister, Olinda, is courted by Glaucilla's brother, Thalander, to whose suit, however, she turns a deaf ear, and at last bids him leave the country. He does so, but soon returns in disguise, resolved on winning her.

On the statement of the latter that they were going on an embassy to Ville-Marie, he feigns surprise, and is astonished that the French governor-general should have sent him to attack men who were going to treat with him.

For my part I would never insult that intelligent and unpretending animal who no doubt brays with perfect simplicity and substantial meaning to those acquainted with his idiom, and if he feigns more submission than he feels, has weighty reasons for doing so I would never, I say, insult that historic and ill-appreciated animal, the ass, by giving his name to a man whose continuous pretence is so shallow in its motive, so unexcused by any sharp appetite as this of Hinze's.

Asbinan goes to the girl's home and feigns sickness. Is cared for by the girl, who becomes infatuated with him and accepts his suit. His parents pay jars and gold in the shape of deer for her. Asbinan refuses to eat until his father secures fish roe. He then demands Chinese dishes from the coast town of Vigan.